V. Adamenko Service Book

On Pentecost: "Christ our True God..... Who sent from heaven, in the form of tongues of fire, the Most Holy Spirit upon His holy disciples and Apostles.

In the evening of the same day: "From the bosom of the Divine Fathers, Who humbled Himself, descended from heaven to earth, took on and deified our entire nature, ascended again to heaven and sat on the right side of God the Father, Who sent down the Divine, Holy, One-in-Essence, One-Powerful, One-Glorious and Co-existent Spirit upon His holy disciples and apostles, by Whom He enlightened them and through them the whole universe, Christ our True God, through the prayers of His Holy Most-Pure Immaculate Mother, the holy glorious, all-praised God-preachers and Spirit-bearing Apostles, will have mercy on all the saints and save us, as the Good and Lover of mankind."

On all days of the week: on Sunday evening and Monday at Matins and Liturgy, there is a holiday: "Christ our True God, through the prayers of His Most-Pure Mother, through the intercession of the honorable heavenly bodiless Hosts, the holy glorious and eternal Apostles, (the saints of the church and day and others, if desired), the holy righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna, and all the saints, will have mercy on us and save us, as a Good and Human-Lover." On the eve and on Tuesday, instead of: "The honorable heavenly bodiless Powers – "the Great Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John..." On the eve and on Wednesday: "By the power of the Much-Revered and Life-Giving Cross..." On the eve and on Thursday: "Our Holy Father, Archbishop Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra..." On the eve and on Friday, as on Wednesday. On the eve and on Saturday: "To the Holy Glorious and Victorious Martyrs, Our Venerable and God-bearing Fathers..."

III. Stichera, Theotokos dogmatics, troparia, antiphons and irmoses from the Octoechos (Eighth Voice).


Stanzas on "Lord, I have cried" 1. "Accept, O Holy Lord, our evening prayers and grant us the forgiveness of sins, for Thou alone hast revealed the resurrection to the world." 2. "Go around, O people, around Zion and go around it, and in it give glory to Him who has risen from the dead, for He is our God, who has delivered us from our iniquities." (Psalm 47:13). 3. "Come, O people, let us sing and worship Christ, glorifying His resurrection from the dead, for He is our God, Who has redeemed the world from the deception of the enemy." 4. "Let us voluntarily glorify in the flesh Him Crucified for us, Who suffered, Who was buried, and Who rose from the dead, and let us exclaim: 'Establish Thy Church in Orthodoxy, O Christ, and restore peace in our lives as the Good and Lover of mankind.'

Glory even now: O Theotokos. Dogmatist: "Let us sing the Glory of the whole world, which proceeded from people and gave birth to the Lord, the Virgin Mary, the heavenly door, the song of the bodiless Powers and the adornment of the faithful. She was heaven and the temple of the Godhead; She, having broken down the hostile barrier, established peace and opened the kingdom, therefore, having Her as the support of our faith, we have a Defender, the Lord born of Her. Be of good cheer, be of good cheer, people of God, for He will conquer the enemies as the Almighty."

Stichera on the verse: "By Thy sufferings, O Christ, we have been freed from suffering, and by Thy resurrection we have been delivered from corruption, O Lord, glory to Thee." Glory even now: "Behold, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled (7:14); for thou, O Virgin, didst give birth, and after birth remained a virgin, as before the birth. The one who was born was God, so He changed the law of nature. Do not despise, O Mother of God, the prayers of Thy servants, offered to Thee in Thy temple, but, as one who bore the Merciful One with Thy hands, have mercy on Thy servants and pray for the salvation of our souls."

Troparion: "Though the stone tomb was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers guarded Thy Most-Pure Body, yet Thou, O Saviour, rose again on the third day, giving life to the world. Therefore the heavenly powers cried out to Thee, Giver of life: Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ, glory to Thy Kingdom, glory to Thy Providence, O Only Lover of mankind." Theotokos: "At the cry of Gabriel to Thee: 'Rejoice, Virgin,' the Lord of all was incarnated in Thee, the Holy Ark, as the righteous David said; Thou who bore Thy Creator hast become wider than the heavens. Glory to Him who dwelt in Thee, glory to Him who proceeded from Thee, glory to Him Who freed us by being born of Thee."

Ipakoi (attention). "The repentance of the thief took possession of paradise, and the weeping of the myrrh-bearers proclaimed joy that You, O Christ God, have risen, bestowing great mercy on the world."

Antiphons. 1. "In the time of my afflictions, hear my sorrow, I call upon Thee, O Lord." (Psalm 119:1). 2. "People who live in solitude, as if they are outside the vain world, constantly have a desire for God." 3. "To the Holy Spirit is due honor and glory, as to the Father and together with the Son: therefore let us sing to the Sovereign Trinity." 4. "Thou hast lifted me up to the heights of Thy laws; adorn me with virtues, that I may sing praises to Thee, O God." (Psalm 120). 5. "Taking it with Thy right hand, preserve and keep me, O Word, lest the fire of sin scorch me." 6. "By the Holy Spirit every creature is renewed, returning to the primitive state, for He is equal to the Father and the Word." 7. "When they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord,' my spirit rejoiced, and my heart rejoiced." (Psalm 121). 8. Glory: "In the house of David there is great fear, for there, with thrones set up, all the nations and peoples of the earth will be judged." (Psalm 121). 9. And now: "To the Holy Spirit is due honor, worship, glory, and dominion belonging to the Father and the Son, for the Trinity is one Godhead in essence, but not in persons."

Irmoi of the Canon. Ode 1: "Thy all-conquering right hand, O Immortal, has been divinely glorified by its power; she, as almighty, destroyed her opponents, and for the Israelites she paved a new path in the depths of the sea." (Exodus 15:3-6).

Clause 3: "Alone Who knows the weakness of human nature and mercifully accepted it, strengthen me from above with strength, that I may cry out to Thee: Holy is the animated Temple of Thy ineffable glory, O Lover of mankind."

Clause 4: "Habakkuk, having understood with a prophetic gaze, Thee, O Mother of God, under the guise of a mountain overshadowed by Divine grace, foretold that from Thee would come the Holy One of Israel for our salvation and renewal." (Habakka 3:3).