Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

The Magi, the kings of Persia, having clearly learned / that the King of Heaven was born on earth, / guided by a bright star, reached Bethlehem, / bearing the choice gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh; / And when they fell, they bowed down: for they saw the Eternal One in the cave / lying down like a child.

And now, tone 6, of Patriarch Germanos

All the angels in heaven rejoice, / and people rejoice on this day, / all creation also triumphs / for the sake of the Saviour and Lord born in Bethlehem: / for all the deception of idolatry has ceased, / and Christ reigns forever!

Stichera on verse self-voiced

Patriarch German, tone 2

A great and wondrous miracle took place on this day: / The Virgin gives birth and Her womb is not damaged. / The Word is incarnate and is not separated from the Father. / The angels and the shepherds praise, / and we with them will cry out: / "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace!"

Tone 3

Verse: "From the womb before the morning star I gave birth to Thee," / the Lord swore, and He will not repent. Ps 109:3c-4a

On this day the Virgin gives birth to the Creator of everything. / Eden brings Him a cave / and the star shows Christ, / the Sun, dwelling in darkness. / The Magi bowed down with gifts, enlightened by faith, / and the shepherds beheld the miracle: / The angels who sang and cried out: / "Glory to God in the highest!"

Verse: The Lord said to my Lord: / "Sit on my right hand." Ps 109:1a

Anatoly, the voice is the same

When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, / the Magi who came from the East / worshipped God incarnate, / and opening their treasuries / they brought precious gifts: / pure gold – as to the King of the ages / and frankincense – as to the God of all the world; / and myrrh – as to the Immortal One who had been dead for three days. / All nations, come, let us worship Him who was born / for the salvation of our souls.

Glory, tone 4, of St. John of Damascus

Rejoice, O Jerusalem, / and rejoice, all you who love Zion. / On this day the bonds of Adam's ancient condemnation are untied, / Paradise is open to us. / The serpent became powerless: / For the tuṁ� whom he first deceived, / he saw now the Mother of the Creator. / O depth of riches, and wisdom, and knowledge of God! / Death, which brought to all flesh, the instrument of sin, / became the beginning of the salvation of the whole world through the Mother of God. / For the Child is born of Her, the All-Perfect God, / and by His birth He seals virginity, / untying the fetters of sins with swaddling clothes, / and by His infancy He heals / Eve from the sorrowful pangs of childbirth. / Therefore let all creation rejoice and play, / for Christ has appeared to restore it / and to save our souls!