Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

Translated by Jerome. Ambrose Timrot http://wertograd.narod.ru


September 8


On "Lord, I have cried:" sticheron for 4, tone 1

Similar to: "Heavenly Regiments:"*

Joachim and Anna rejoice, / having given birth to the First of our salvation, / the only Mother of God. / With them, celebrating on this day, / we glorify from the glorious root of Jesse / the pure Virgin who came into being.

From Anna on this day the Rod, / Planted by God, / – the Mother of God grew, the salvation of people, / From Whom the Creator, born above thought, / Cleanses, as a good one, / all the defilement of Adam with His goodness.*

Who will be able to properly sing / worthily / from Anna the ineffably born child – the Virgin? / Pour forth then, O mountains and hills, / sweet drops on this day: / for life and purification of all are nourished by milk / – Pure Mother of God.*

Formerly a barren country / gives birth to a fruitful land, / and from a barren womb gives holy fruit, / nourishes it with milk. / A miracle that trembles: / The Nurturer of our Life / Who received the Heavenly Bread in her womb, / feeds on milk from her breasts!

Glory, and now, tone 4

Thy all-holy Nativity, / O Most Holy Virgin Virgin, / A multitude of angels in heaven / and we, the human race, glorify on earth, / for Thou hast become the Mother of the King of all, Christ God. / Do not cease to pray to Him for us, we pray, / in Thee after God we placed our hope, / O Mother of God, praised by all, and not knowing marriage!

"Joyful Light:" and the prokeimenon of the day.

Stichera on verse, tone 2,

Like: "The House of the Euphrates:"*

Rejoice, Joachim and Anna! / Rejoice that the Giver of joy and salvation – the Virgin / is born to us of barrenness!

Verse: Hear, O Daughter, and see, / and incline Thy ear. Ps 44:11a

Thou art the only one of the earthly / who hast shown salvation in Thyself, / as having given birth to the Word / above the word and nature; / therefore we call Thee blessed.