Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

The fourfold people are sacredly encamped, / marching before the foreshadowing tabernacle of testimony, / glorified by the cross-shaped structure.

The miraculously spread Cross / emitted the sun's rays, / and the heavens proclaimed / the glory of our God.

Ode 5

Irmos: O thrice-blessed Tree, / on which Christ, King and Lord, was crucified, / through which fell he who deceived the tree, / caught by God, / on thee nailed to the flesh, / who bestows peace upon our souls!

You, glorious tree, / The Cross on which Christ was stretched out, / the whirling sword that guarded Eden was terrified, / and the terrible Cherubim retreated / before Christ nailed to you, / who gives peace to our souls.

The hostile forces of hell / tremble at the signs of the Cross, / traced in the air, / in which they soar; / and the generation of the celestials, and those born on earth, / bow their knees before Christ, / who gives peace to our souls.

The Divine Cross, / appearing in pure rays / and illuminating with divine light / the peoples darkened by deceptive error, / assimilates them to Christ nailed to it, / Who gives peace to our souls.

Ode 6

Irmos: In the womb of the sea beast / Jonah stretched out his arms in the form of a cross, / clearly foreshadowing the salvific suffering; / And coming out three days later, / He foreordained the supernatural resurrection / of Christ God, nailed to the flesh / and enlightened the world by the resurrection of the third day.

Bent by old age and sickness, / Jacob straightened up, when he laid his hands on the sons of Joseph, / revealing the action of the life-giving Cross; / for God, nailed to him in the flesh, / renewed the decrepitude of the shadow of such a written Law / and drove away the soul-destroying disease of error.

Placing his hands crosswise on the young heads, / Divine Israel made it clear / that he who is revered by the elder is the people who serve under the law; / therefore, he suspected that he had made a mistake in this, / did not change the life-giving sign: / "For he will gain the advantage," he exclaimed, / "the people newly established of Christ God, / protected by the Cross!"

Self-Similar Kontakion, Tone 4

Ascended to the Cross voluntarily, / to the new people of Thy name, / grant Thy mercies, O Christ God; / Rejoice in Thy power Thy faithful people*, / giving them victory over their enemies, / – that they may have help from Thee, / the weapon of peace, the invincible sign of victory.

Ikos: Ascended to the third heaven in paradise / and hearing ineffable and divine words, / which cannot be retold in human tongues – / what does he write to the Galatians, / as have you lovers of the Scriptures read and learned? / "That I, he says, should boast, let it not be, / except by the Cross of the Lord alone, / on which, having suffered, He killed the passions." / So let us all hold it firmly, / the Cross of the Lord, as a praise; / for for us this saving Tree is / the weapon of peace, the invincible sign of victory.