The dead man was right in the eyes; Eyes were opened.

His face was so familiar to me, and it was noticeable.

What was expressed on it – in the life of such a

We didn't see it on that face. Inspiration did not burn

The flame is on it; a sharp mind did not shine;

No! With some thought, a deep, lofty thought

It was embraced: I imagined that he

At that moment, it was as if a vision was coming,

Something was happening to him.

And I wanted to ask,

"What do you see?"

There are also many cases when a person, man or woman, suddenly wakes up at night and feels that his mother, wife or husband, who are very far away at that time, are standing next to him. And then it turns out that this person close to him or her died just at the moment when the awakened person felt his presence next to him.

There has long been evidence that at the moment of death, the soul of the deceased can overcome any space and visit his loved ones, loved ones, the living, who see, hear, and more often only feel the presence of the deceased.

Animals can sometimes perceive the invisible presence better than humans. The cat arches its back, its fur stands on end; The dog begins to bark.

There were many different observations that spoke of the life of the soul; Faith in this has never left people. And now, over the past 15-20 years, beliefs in the continuation of existence after death have received objective confirmation. Many new discoveries were made. Modern methods of resuscitation - the return of life to the recently dead - lifted the veil and made it possible to cast a glance "on the other side". It turned out that even after the death of the body, life continues. Many of the doctors and psychologists began their observations and reflections as skeptics who did not believe in the existence of the soul. They met new things with bewilderment and amazement, but seeing all the new cases, they radically changed their worldview.

Not so long ago, few scientists dared to express thoughts that disagreed with the official doctrine of materialism. But science does not stand still, people learn things that they did not know before. At present, scientists studying the problem of death have no doubts about the continuation of life after the death of the body.

There is a revision of the main scientific theories. Even the very primacy of matter is denied. Our understanding of the essence of life and death is also being revised.

We are on the verge of two eras. The era of materialism is becoming a thing of the past. It is replaced by a completely different worldview – the universe is not only matter, but much more...


The modern science of death is a young but rapidly progressing branch of medicine. New data. Clinical death and organic death. Attempts to revive the dead in antiquity. Modern methods of resuscitation. Dr. Raymond Moody and his observations. Distrust of new data and its causes. K. Uexkul. Quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Several cases described in spiritual and secular literature.