Bless My Prayer

Bless My Prayer

From Prayer Experience


I love you, Lord,

I love more than anything in the world,

For Thou art the true joy,

my soul.

For Thy sake I love my neighbor,

as yourself...


Morning Prayer 

Lord, bless my prayer.

Help me with all your soul and body

to stand before Thee without distraction.

Teach me to pray to You.

Confirm me in the faith.

Grant me ardent love for You.

Sanctify, O Lord, all my thoughts,

my feelings and deeds.

Teach Me In Every Event

discern Thy will

and give me strength to fulfill it.

Close my mouth

for the evil and empty word

and keep my hand from doing evil.

If trouble happens,

Give strength to accept it with firmness

and make it a sacrifice to You.

Make me a source of good, O Lord,

for everyone I meet today.

Accept my prayer for those

who does not know Thee,

And deliver them from unbelief.

Thank you, Lord, for your soul,

for everything that surrounds me:

for those near and far, for heaven and earth

and above all

for Thy life-giving love.

Give me, Lord, the whole day

to remember and thank You.




Lord, let all things be done

mine today to Thy glory!

May all thoughts be and

my desires are according to Thy will!