Bless My Prayer

Forgive us for the indifference of our hearts to someone else's misfortune, for our unwillingness to help, for our unwillingness to support, console, and encourage!

I'm sorry that we can't even just tolerate another person, his weaknesses, his unsympathetic, uncomfortable features.

Forgive me for murmuring, and not

With Gratitude We Bear the Burden

in relation to the sick, children, the elderly, to the needy

in our help.

Forgive me for the fact that, returning from church, we bring to our family not silence, joy and light, but grumbling and discontent. 

Forgive, Lord, for the guilt before relatives and friends who share

Our sins are with us.




We are guilty before You, Lord, that we did not save our family, pushed others to separate, divorce, quarrels, were indirect culprits of other people's troubles.

Forgive us, Lord, for our sins against our own children, against our husband, against our wife, against our mother and father, to whom we have caused many offenses

and sorrows.

Forgive us that You love us, but we do not know how to love each other, that in fact You are not our King, but our pride, self-will, self-love, ambition, vanity, not You are our King, but the vanity after which we run, to which we cling.

We are chained to ourselves and do not want to come out of our prison, neither to You nor to people; we are ungrateful to Thee for life, for soul, for the wisdom of Thy Word, for Thy salvation, for Thy Church!



Forgive us, Lord, that we are so little anxious to thank Thee for calling us!

Forgive us that we do not guard the treasures that You have given us, that we are ungrateful to You for all the beautiful things that are and have been in our lives, that we do not remember anything, that we are used to this, that we ruthlessly squander everything that You send us: health, time, people.