Bless My Prayer

I'm sorry that we don't feel blissful, happy!

Forgive that we are often prone to discontent, murmuring, and a gloomy view of the world.

Forgive us for not being able to thank for joy, for friends, for family, for the fact that our feet walk and our eyes see, for the sky, air, beauty, peace.



Forgive us, O Lord, for not fulfilling Thy main commandment: "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another."

It is our fault, Lord, that we were as ungrateful to people as we were to You, that we were not able to thank those who brought us life, light and goodness, who gave birth to us, raised us, brought us up, who taught us, instructed us, helped us!

You have given us the joy of communicating with each other, and we talk about all sorts of trifles and most often blaspheme and condemn each other!



Forgive us, Lord, for living as if You have forgotten us, as if we are valuable in our own right, and not just in the light of Your life.

Lord, forgive us for not sanctifying our lives.

Lord, forgive us for being superstitious.

Forgive us for the fact that we are always tormented by fears, fears and anxieties. Trembling and fear in us from lack of faith, despondency –

from lack of faith, disgust for the world around — from lack of faith.

Lord, forgive us for not knowing how to be patient in difficult circumstances, courageous, firm and faithful to You.

Lord, forgive us for our unwillingness to do Thy will, for not having humility before Thee, for not being able to see Thee in temptation

and illness, in difficult circumstances of life.



Forgive us, Lord, for not keeping Your main commandments.