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"Prepare Thyself, and Be Not Troubled"

... The means to avoid embarrassment is self-reproach; but to be confused and despair of the cold of the passions is a sign of spiritual pride, and with it you will not calm down in the least; even in the very encroachments one should not rejoice the enemy with confusion and despair, but rather descend into the depths of humility, seeing exactly one's own weakness, presenting it before the Lord and bringing repentance (I, 21, 55).

It is impossible not to show embarrassment that you have not been offended, you must observe: be troubled and do not speak (Psalm 76:5), but inwardly become aware and reproach yourself for the movement of passion... and thou shalt come to this: prepare thyself, and be not troubled (Psalm 118:60) (III, 229, 384).

You, E. I—na, in your troubles, find healing for yourself in self-reproach and humility, and endure the very burden without murmuring, so that afterwards you will receive the fruit of consolation... (VI, 115,184).

The main cause of embarrassment from the envy of one's neighbors and lack of self-reproach; and the enemy has the power to stir up a storm of confusion still more in such a dispensation (V, 301, 426).


Believers should not believe dreams

... When you believe in dreams, it is certainly not surprising to fall into delusion. The Holy Fathers completely reject and command us not to believe in dreams, we who are passionate and conceited (V, 339, 467).

... Do not believe dreams at all and do not pay attention to them (I, 89, 139).

Believers should not have prejudices and believe in dreams; Dreams can be from enemies, in order to confuse a person with a future accident. Without God's Providence or allowance, nothing can happen to us, so we must be strengthened by faith and accept with humility what will happen, and not believe in dreams (I, 234, 438).

Often dreams reveal our passionate dispensation

Let her be afraid to believe in dreams, it is enough for her to calm her conscience; even if it is a grace-filled dream, it will not sin when, fearing delusion, it imputs itself unworthy of it; and the second dream seems to express a passionate disposition, as the Holy Fathers write about it: whoever is subject to which passion, the demons present similar things in the dream, for example: to the proud and ambitious – thrones, chariots, ascension to the heights; to the wrathful – beasts, quarrels and disputes; to the covetous, gold and silver, and the care of acquisitiveness; and to the lovers of the flesh – carnal notions. These dreams must be neglected; if we begin to judge, turning in a good way, we will be deceived and fall into pride; and if it is bad, then we will be confused and despair. There are grace-filled dreams, but they are humble, cleansed of passions, or suffer from some sorrows and misfortunes, for consolation; but even then they must be accepted with great consideration (V, 567, 753-754).

Through dreams, demons can lead to deception and delusion

Though the dream you have seen is flattering, you must not be carried away by deception, as if you were already worthy of it; but rather preserve thyself by humility, imputing such visions unworthy of thyself, then thou shalt not be harmed (III, 91, 194).