«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Confusion deprives peace and tranquility

Judge what is the use of embarrassment after any encroachment? Isn't it better to humble yourself and bring repentance? Here tranquillity is born, and there it is deprived (I, 4, 19).

Where there is confusion, there is the enemy; where there is peace, there is God

Her heart was troubled, which already means that she had accepted the enemy's pretext to deprive her of usefulness. And where there is confusion, there is the enemy; where there is peace, there is God... (III, 279, 496).

Confusion Raises the Devil to Great Battles

Humility calms and gives hope for correction; but confusion weighs you down more, and raises up the enemy to great battles (1:30,63).

... With confusion for the slightest thought, the enemy is more strongly armed against you, be courageous and despise them (III, 220, 367).

"Prepare Thyself, and Be Not Troubled"

... The means to avoid embarrassment is self-reproach; but to be confused and despair of the cold of the passions is a sign of spiritual pride, and with it you will not calm down in the least; even in the very encroachments one should not rejoice the enemy with confusion and despair, but rather descend into the depths of humility, seeing exactly one's own weakness, presenting it before the Lord and bringing repentance (I, 21, 55).

It is impossible not to show embarrassment that you have not been offended, you must observe: be troubled and do not speak (Psalm 76:5), but inwardly become aware and reproach yourself for the movement of passion... and thou shalt come to this: prepare thyself, and be not troubled (Psalm 118:60) (III, 229, 384).

You, E. I—na, in your troubles, find healing for yourself in self-reproach and humility, and endure the very burden without murmuring, so that afterwards you will receive the fruit of consolation... (VI, 115,184).

The main cause of embarrassment from the envy of one's neighbors and lack of self-reproach; and the enemy has the power to stir up a storm of confusion still more in such a dispensation (V, 301, 426).


Believers should not believe dreams