The Dogma of Redemption in Russian Theological Science

This list (compiled by the author – Ed.) lists works (individual studies, articles, reviews) devoted to the interpretation of the dogma of redemption. If there are reviews or reviews on any of them (for example, a dissertation), then they are listed immediately after it. The works in the index are arranged in the order of chapters and paragraphs of this study. Works used in several chapters, as a rule, are indicated only to the chapter where they are first cited. Other works used are indicated in the notes.

General Reviews of Russian Theological Literature

Glubokovsky N. N., prof. Russian Theological Science in Its Historical Development and Contemporary State. Warsaw, 1928.

Nikol'skii P. V. Pis'ma o russkom bogoslovii [Letters on Russian Theology]. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1904; Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 1907.

Florovsky G., prot. The Ways of Russian Theology. Paris, 1937.


Vvedensky A. M. On the Question of the Methodological Reform of Orthodox Dogmatics // Bogoslovskii vestnik. 1904. № 6.

Macarius (Bulgakov), Met. Orthodox-Dogmatic Theology: In 2 vols. 4–e. St. Petersburg, 1883. Titov F. Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov), Moscow and Kolomensky. Part 1. Kiev, 1845. Philaret (Drozdov), Met. Collection of opinions and reviews. T. 3. St. Petersburg, 1885; T. 5. St. Petersburg, 1887.


Philaret (Gumilevsky), Archbishop. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: In 2 ch. Izd. 3rd. St. Petersburg, 1882. Aka. Discourses on the Sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Izd. 3rd. St. Petersburg, 1884. Listovsky I. Filaret, Archbishop of Chernigov. Chernigov, 1895.

4. Sylvester (Malevansky), bishop. Experience of Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Ed. 3rd. T. 1. Kiev, 1892; T. 3. Kiev, 1898; Ed. 2nd. T. 4. Kiev, 1889. Skaballanovich M., prof. Bishop Sylvester as a dog-matist // Tr. Kiev Ecclesiastical Academician. 1909. Vvedensky A. M. Comparative Assessment of the Dogmatic Systems of His Eminence Macarius and Archimandrite Sylvester // Readings in the Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment. 1886.

Extensive Christian Catechism Orthodox Catholic Eastern Greek-Russian Church (Slavonic, font). St. Petersburg, 1830. A Long Christian Catechism of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Churches. Moscow, 1916. Philaret (Drozdov), Met. Words and Speeches: In 5 vols. Moscow, 1873-1885.

Vetelev A., priest. Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow as a preacher and theologian. 1951. № 12. Gorodkov A. Dogmatic Theology According to the Works of Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. Kazan, 1887.