The Dogma of Redemption in Russian Theological Science

Svetlov P. Ya., prot. The Shortcomings of Western Theology in the Doctrine of Redemption: A Speech Before the Defense of the Dissertation // Bogoslovskii vestnik. 1894. № 1.

Popov I. V. Magisterskii disput: O dispute prot. Svetlova // Bogoslovskii vestnik. 1894. № 1.

The Idea of Satisfaction in Russian Orthodox Theology. "The Cross of Christ" by Archpriest. Svetlova: (Exposition of Art.: Bukowsky A. Die Genugtuungsidee in der Russisch-Orthodoxen Theologie) // Christian Reading. 1909. № 6/7.

Svetlov P. Ya., prot. Gladstone's thoughts on redemption. Kazan, 1896.

Aka. On False Orthodoxy and Its Signs // Church Voice. 1906. N° 44–55.

Aka. The Importance of the Correct Concept of Redemption // Missionary Review. 1898. № 9.

Aka. Christian doctrine in apologetic exposition. Ed. 2nd. Kiev, 1912. T. 2.

Aka. A Course in Apologetic Theology. Ed. 4th. Kiev, 1912.

Akvilonov L. Review of the dissertation: Svetlov P., prot. Course of Apologetic Theology // Tserkovnyi vestnik. 1900. № 25.

Vvedensky L., Professor; Glagolev S., prof. Reviews of the dissertation: Svetlov P., prot. Course of Apologetic Theology // Minutes of Meetings of the Council of the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Bogoslovsky Vestnik. 1903. No 5, app.

Vinogradov L. T. What Educated People Expect from Modern Theology: On the "Course of Apologetic Theology" by Archpriest. Svetlova // Russkii vestnik. 1901. № 4, 5.

Dobrosmyslov D. Review of the dissertation: Svetlov P., prot. A Course of Apologetic Theology // Faith and the Church. 1902. № 1.

Svetlov P. Ya., prot. Orthodox Society and Modern Theology: A Response to the Article by A. T. Vinogradov // Bogoslovsky Vestnik. 1901. № 11 — 12.

Aka. Another example of false zeal for the faith: Reply to the article by D. Dobrosmyslov. Kiev, 1902.