Articles and lectures


 Ep. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Works, Vol. 2. P. 127.

 Еп. Игнатий (Брянчанинов). Сочинения. Т. 4. С.9.

 Преп. Макарий Египетский. Духовные беседы. Троице-Сергиева Лавра, 1904. С. 360.

 Свят. Иоанн Златоуст. Творения. Т. 1. СПб., 1985. С. 187.

 Препп. Варсонофий и Иоанн. Руководство к духовной жизни. СПб., 1905. С. 297.


 Prep. Symeon the New Theologian. Words. Homily 3. P. 36.


 St. St. John Chrysostom expresses this idea in the following words: "It (humility) is the greatest fence, an indestructible wall, an insurmountable fortress; it supports the whole building, not allowing it to fall either from the gust of winds, or from the pressure of waves, or from the force of storms, but it places it above all attacks, makes it as if built of adamant and indestructible, and brings down upon us generous gifts from the humane God" (St. John Chrysostom, Creations, Vol. 4, St. Petersburg, 1898, p. 385).


 Ep. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Op. T. 2. P. 57.


 Prep. Isaac the Syrian. Words of asceticism. Moscow, 1858. Homily 55. Pp. 372-373. 22Bishop Ignatius (Bryaichakinov). Op. Vol. I, 244


 Bishop, Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Op. T. 1. 244


 Bishop, Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Op. T. 2. Pp. 53, 55.


 Prep. Isaac the Syrian. Homily 55. P. 389.


 Prep. Isaac of Syria. Homily 55. Pp. 371-372.


 Holy. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Tvor. T. 2. Moscow, 1899. P. 99.