Articles and lectures
Theophan (Govorov), bishop. Collection of letters. Issue Five. Moscow, 1899. P. 90.
Florovsky G., Archpriest. Edict. cit., p. 397.
Ibidem. Pp. 397-398.
Veniamin (Fedchenkov), Metropolitan. Edict. cit., p. 36.
Kolyupanov N. P. Biography of A. I. Koshelev. B. m., 1892. T. 2. P. 42.
Khomyakov A. S. Sobr. Moscow, Vol. 2. 1900. P. 22.
This decline in spiritual life is, unfortunately, a phenomenon common to the entire Christian world and to all mankind as a whole. It no less characterizes the state of the other Local Orthodox Churches and the incomparably greater state of the Western heterodox confessions, where the "new commandment" has openly become the basis of Christian (!) life: "Seek first of all what to eat, what to drink, and what to wear, and the Kingdom of God shall be added to you" (cf. Matt. 6:31-33).
Aksakov I. S. Khristianstvo i sovremennyi progress [Christianity and modern progress]. Compiled. A. Palitsky. Pg., 1914.
St. Mark the Ascetic, for example, speaks of spiritual freedom in the following way: "The law of freedom is read by true reason, understood by the practice of commandments" (Philokalia, Moscow, 1905, Vol. I, p. 523).
Kant I. Soch. T. 3. Moscow, 1964. P. 478.
Блаженный Феофилакт Болгарский пишет: "Не говори, что Церковь люди собрали. Она есть дело Бога, Бога Живого и страшного". То же говорит и святой Экумений (X век): "Она Богом устрояется, Богу посвящается и Бога имеет живущим в себе".
Диффамация – опубликование в печати сведений, порочащих кого-либо. – Прим. ред.