Who sent Madame Blavatsky?

I reserve the right to speak about the icy cold that binds Roerich's canvases, about the petrification and inhumanity of the world of his paintings, and about the non-divinity of the fire that permeates the books of Agni Yoga. It cannot but be cold in a world in which humanity is proclaimed that it is a "great Orphan."

And therefore I am not surprised that Roerich himself, and not only his paintings, sometimes evoked a feeling of mystical horror. In any case, Baron Meyendorff had the impression that "Roerich's hair turns gray at one glance"[570].


Forgive me for the banality, but there are indeed three types of lies: just lies, blatant lies, and... statistics.

So for this, the highest gradation of lies, there was a place in the pro-Roerich book. Its publishers turned to statistics, considering the preface to Mialo's book a convenient place to advertise their other products.

We read: "In an attempt to prove the anti-Christian character of Agni Yoga, Deacon Kuraev stated that in the course of reading the books of the Teaching, he "began to be struck by the absence of certain words that are key to any Christian reflection. In the entire multi-volume book of the Living Ethics, there are no such words as sin, repentance, redemption, grace, God. This means that these are texts born of non-Christian spirituality." The creative team of the publishing house "Belovodye" has recently prepared and published the last, third volume of the "Symphony of Agni Yoga", where the number of all words and concepts related to various topics, including the topic of religion, was counted. Strict numbers testify to the incorrectness (this is the mildest characteristic) of the deacon's words: the word "sin" is mentioned in 2 paragraphs, "repentance" (repentance) in 4 paragraphs, "redemption" in 12 paragraphs, "grace" in 77 paragraphs, "God" in 63 paragraphs. In addition, in 74 paragraphs of the Teaching there is the word "Creator", in 124 paragraphs the word "prayer", in 68 paragraphs – "soul", in 63 paragraphs – "Christ". In general, Christian terminology is more frequent than Hindu and Buddhist. Deacon Kuraev tried more than once to assert that the Teaching and the Roerichs often resort to lies in order to disguise their true intentions. Then what is Kuraev masking in his "non-false" passage about the absence of key Christian words in the Teaching? And there are a great many such frank "disguises" in Kuraev's writings by various authors who polemicize with him" (pp. 30-31).

Well, let's check it out.

The word "sin" is indeed found twice in the 14 books of the Living Ethics. But at the very first mention of it, it is endowed with a meaning very far from that which Christianity gives it: "'Sickness is from sin,' says the Scriptures. Let us say – illness from the imperfection of the past and the present" (Heart, 96). In Christianity, sin is not an imperfection, but a conscious choice. Only God is perfect. In comparison with Him, everything is imperfect: "He sees faults even in His angels: how much more in those who dwell in tabernacles of clay, whose foundation is dust" (Job 4:18-19). To be imperfect means to be created. Since we did not create ourselves, but the Lord, it is not a sin to be imperfect. Creation is the primordial condition of our human existence, the condition humain. Sin is a refusal to outgrow this condition, a refusal to strive to cross the boundary between the created and the uncreated, a self-willed rejection of God's call and God's commandment.

So the spirits who were friends with the Roerichs quite consciously refused to include the word sin in their vocabulary. Two mentions of this word, and in one of the cases the mention is rather polemical in relation to Christianity, is a sign that the spirits themselves do not work with this word; This word is not close to them and is unnecessary.

The word "repentance" occurs twice in the Supermundane, but both times in a critical context: "The so-called repentance" (260 and 570)! In the book "The Call" under the date 26.07.1922 indicated in the "Symphony" it is said that "there is no repentance"[571].

It remains to check the last of the four uses of the words "repentance" and "repentance" in the books of the Living Ethics. "Signs of Agni Yoga", paragraph 52. "The word repentance is not in Senzar's dictionary. It has been replaced by the expression known to you: intelligent cooperation: Consider the hypocritanic nature of the concept of repentance. It is easier for the people to show the essence of repentance by medical example. Through depravity of thinking, a person inflicts a wound on his fellow-man, but neither thoughts nor words can heal this wound. You will have to connect the torn fabric with a series of persistent actions. Reasonable cooperation will have to be shown to restore expediency. The consequence of an action can be healed only by action. No verbal statements, no oaths matter. Whoever knows his foolishness, let him cover it with real reason. Foolishness can be exhausted by rational cooperation. Is not the paid absolution of a repentant sinner the most serious crime? Is not the monetary bribery of the Deity worse than the first forms of fetishism? This frightening question must be covered in many ways, otherwise human linen is very dirty."

The editors of the Symphony explain: "Hypocritan is sanctimonious, hypocritical." That's right – the Greek word  in New Testament usage has the meaning of hypocrisy. But what happens then? As we can see, the "mahatmas" themselves admit that the word repentance is absent in their vocabulary, and they use it only to abuse Christians (moreover, the Christian understanding of repentance and confession is utterly profaned - I hope Xenia Myalo knows that they do not take any money for confession in Orthodox churches).

So who is the falsifier?