Sub specie aeternitatis

My first and last thought is the unchanging thought of personality, of liberation. I am looking for ways to its universal affirmation, to union with the universal Logos.

In my articles, I approach God-manhood, the incarnation of the Spirit in society, the mystical union of love and freedom. From Marxist pseudo-conciliarity, from decadent-romantic individualism, I go to the conciliarity of mystical neo-Christianity.

St. Petersburg, February 25, 1906.


Gilda. First of all, I'll look at everything you've built here.

Solnes. You will have to run a lot.

G. Yes, because you have built so much.

Questioner: A lot. Especially in recent years.

G. And there are a lot of bell towers too? So terribly tall?

S. No. I don't build bell towers anymore. And there are no churches either.

D. What are you building now?

C. Dwellings for people ...

D. Could you not build such towers on dwellings?

C. What do you mean by that?

G. I think... something like that... to show... as if forward, to freedom.

S. How strange that you should say that. This is what I would like most of all.

D: Why don't you do it?

S. Ah, people don't want that!

D. Tell me-., they don't want to!

Questioner: But now I am building myself a new house. Just against it.

D. To himself?

S. Yes. It is almost ready. And there will be a tower on it.

D. The High Tower?

S. Yes.

D. Very tall?

S. The public will probably say that it is too tall. That is, for an ordinary house.

D: I'm going to see this tower early tomorrow morning.

Henrik Ibsen. "Builder Solnes"[9]