Pavel Florensky Philosophy of Cult

(K. F. Keil, A Guide to Biblical Archaeology, Kiev, 1871, part 1, p. 241, pr. 8).

"Already in the morning (Utram, de Sacrificiis I, p. p. 212 sq.) observes: quod preces vituli labiorum appellentur Os. 14,3. Cujus dicti ea ratio est quod preces sacrificia quaedam essent et sacrificia preces quaedam. Preces utique sacrificia spiritualia; et sacrificia symbolicae preces{922} (sign <?> for this purpose on 1 Sam. 13:12 and Wis. 15.8. Cf. See also 1Enstenberg, Evang. Kirchenzeit, 1852, No 13, p. 113).

And conversely, prayer is a sacrifice ("as incense before Thee") {923}.

"Word and Deed"

Deed, word, thought.

"Forgive me the sins which I have committed this day in deed, word, and thought" (Evening Prayer 1, St. Macarius, to God the Father){924}.

Here are the three stages of incarnation:

Thought (inner word),

word (external word),

deed (incarnate word),

the word > thoughts, but < the fulfilled word

word < deed.

To 'Όνομα του Θεού έστι Θεός και δή ό Θεός, άλλα ό Θεός

ουτε ονομα, ουτε τό Όνομα Αυτού έστι.


Anthropodicy requires excursions Philological > and archaeological:

1. On holiness. The term "holy" in various<> languages<>

EPr, άγιος, etc.

2. On martyrdom. Terms μάρτυς, etc.

3. On the Sacraments. The terms μυστήριον, sacramentum, etc.