Pavel Florensky Philosophy of Cult

«I. SIN. Possible points of view. They are not critical. To motivate the point of view of religious realism in more detail. Irreducibility of S, I, and N to each other. A critical<critical>point of view. Rejection of definitions.

II[4]. Method of studying religion. Religion as based on "life". Religion is the depth of life. The unconscious is a ladder from heaven to the soul.

III. The two layers of life, the natural and the grace-filled; two possible religions—natural) and grace-filled.

IV. The parable of the bird that flew through the room. Of particular interest is the beginning and end of life. Both in religion are natural<>naturaland in religion of grace.

V. Seed and Blood.

VI. Reflection of aspects in each other.

VII. Death as birth and birth as death.

VIII. The Mysteries. Initiation.

IX. Renaming".

<Lecture plan (not dated)>

"Riddles on the Riddles[5]

I. Being in the created (general principles).

II. The Incarnation.

III. Sacraments.

IV. Rituals.

V. Sacred customs.

VI. Sacred<Scripture.

VII. Sacred<>Tradition.


Catholicism (Muravyov). There must be following Christ, not imitation."

<Lecture plan (not dated)>

"10 lectures in Moscow "2 nrzb."

I [6]. Higher and lower.

II [7]. The principle of isolation and stratification.

III. Imeslavie (and prayer). The Doctrine of the Word, of Cognition.

IV. Onomatology. Renaming.

V. Consecration of matter [8]. Its types.

VI. The meaning (vitality) of the sacraments and divine services in general.