Works in two volumes

Лука. Однако ж Мойсей был тленный, как мы, человек, а божпим назван по благодати.

Памва. Вот тебе вылазка! Пожалуй, брось твое «однако ж»! Не представляй мне подлых школьных богословцев кваснпн. Слушай, что такое о Мойсее говорит божие слово: «Не отемнеют очп его, нп пстлеют уста его».

Лука. Однако ж Мойсей пное, а нное Христос.

Памва. Слушай, прппутню! Сама евангельская премудрость вот что говорит: «Если бы вы веровали Мойсею, веровали бы без сомнения и мне». Видишь, что разуметь Мойсея есть разуметь Христа; и Мойсей закрылся в Евангелии так, как Евангелие поглощено Мойсеевыми книгами, которых опо есть леторасль.

Лука. Да там же вдруг следует и сие: «О мне тот писал», а ты замолчал.

Памва. Конечно, не писал бы, если б не видел его. А что ж есть живот вечный, если не то, чтоб знать бога? Сие‑то есть быть живым, вечным и нетленным человеком и быть преображенным в бога, а бог, любовь и соединение — все то одно. Сверх того примечай, что и самые их сии образы меж собою во всем сходны. Тут лежит пеленами повитый израильский младенец. II там от еврейских детей. Сей положен матерью в яслях, а тот своею в коробочке. Сего наблюдает мать его, а того издалека сестра его. Тут пришли пастыри и волхвы, а там царева дочь с языческими служанками. А у древних пастырями цари назывались, например, «Пасущий Израиля, внимай», то есть пастырь и царь израильский. Впрочем, что израильский род не умирает, слушай пророка Иоиля: «Как утро, разольются по горам люди многие и крепкие. Подобных им не было от века, и по них не приложится до лет в род и род…» Если бы до их лет можно что‑то другое приложить, имели б они конец. Но они, всему другому концом находясь, сами суть бесконечны. Израиль есть сам остаток умирающим всем земным языкам. А что Иопль то сказывает о еврейском роде, слушай Мойсея: «Блажен ты, Израиль! Кто подобен тебе?»

Лука. Однако ж Мойсей иное, а иное Христос.

Pamva. How can it be otherwise, if he speaks on Tabor for the same thing?  [191] Have you heard the genealogy of Christ?

Pommel. Heard. "The Book of the Kinship of Jesus Christ..." and so on.

Pamva. What do you think? What kind of book is it? After all, this book is not simple. It is the book of God. In this book not a single carnal person is recorded. Listen to David: "I will not gather their councils of blood." And only those who are recorded are "not of blood, not of carnal lust, but of God." And when Moisei himself calls the word of God a man of God, and commands him to put the rest in this most fortunate number and entry in the Book of Numbers, how dare you cross him out of this book? Learn! Don't you understand? The book and the disciples of Christ are written down in sleep. "Rejoice," he says, "for your names are written." Yes, for this alone he commands us to rejoice. In this book, all the relatives of Christ, not carnal (do you hear?), spiritual, are recorded. And here it is, relatives: "Who are my mother or my brothers? Whoever does the will of God, this is my brother, and my sister, and my mother..." It seemed surprising to you that Moisei and Christ are one. But do you not hear what Christ says to His incorruptible father about all His relatives? "Let them be one, as we are. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or freeman among you." "There is neither male nor female, you alone," says Paul, "in Christ, and Christ in you. God's race has no end and no division."

Pommel. How can one be that which is not one?

Pamva. I also ask you: how is it possible that there should be twelve printed books of the Gospel in different ways and in different languages, and that this should be one book? If anyone knows one of them, he knows everything. If you had known Moses, you would have known Christ, or if you had known Christ, you would have known Moisei, Elijah, Abraham, David, Isaiah, and so on.

Pommel. I know Christ, but I don't know Moisei.

Pamva. So you know Christ, like a fool about whom you listen to a fable. The rich father had 8 sons. They were wise in evil and in good, but disobedient and great to their father. Among the seven brothers was a deaf and stupid but ardent admirer of his father's will. Dying, the father commanded them all to be summoned to him, and, being naturally good, blessed them. Therefore, turning his gaze to the fool, he [said]: "I know that your brothers will offend you in the inheritance. Instead, I increase my blessing to you. This is my reed as a testimony to you! Take it and keep it with you. You will feel your bliss when the words "sleep" appear to you: "The beginning of God will cover you." By death, the lords tore apart all their property, leaving only a small house with a garden to the stick insect. Here, spending a simple life alone, he yearned for his father. In the seventh year, in the spring, on a Sunday morning, walking through the highest places of his district, he almost stepped on a snake. He split her head with a cane and hit her so hard that some part of the cane, like a husk, fell off. He felt in his ears an unheard-of ringing and a wondrous voice: "Fool! Why are you crying? Who are you looking for? I am always with you." Unspeakable joy embraced him. A hearing opened up to him. It was there that he saw that his reed was double. He removed the vile surface. A new, golden stick was opened, planted with the most precious stones from the very top to the very end. Her head was made up of one of the largest blue sapphires. On his head is a living image of his father painted in eternal colors, and around it is the word vulture: "The divine principle will cover you." That's how you are, listen! You know Christ, how this one, being deaf and stupid, knew his father's stick. It seems incredible to you that when you know Moisey, you will recognize Christ with one glance. You'll hear a wonderful word. Not only when you happen to know Adam, or Abel, or Noah, or Joshua, or Caleb, or Job, or Solomon, or Jeremiah, or Paul, but when you get to know yourself well, please know that with one glance you will recognize Christ also. One is the entire above-mentioned generation of Abraham, having neither number, nor beginning, nor end, filling all four sides. "If anyone is able," says God to Abraham, "to honor the sand of the earth, then he will also harvest your seed." However, it is not the end after which something else follows. But after this kind nothing can follow. Everything perishes by the fire of God, and the remnants of the wicked themselves, and therefore no longer the remains that do not remain. Nothing tolerates the fiery face of God. All burn like brushwood, except for this seed, of which Isaiah says: "As the new heavens and the new earth, which I make, abide before me," says the Lord, "so shall your seed be in your name." It is the same in Jeremiah: "Rejoice with gladness. Cry out at the head of the Gentiles. Do it and praise it." You will say: "The Lord will save his people, the remnant of Izraplev." This is the generation of those who seek the Lord, those who seek the face of the God of Jacob, before whom no tongue can stand: "As fire proceeds from his presence." From this God-preserved family, if you know at least one, you will recognize everyone. In all of them there is one new man, and they are in him, and he in his father. But since we cannot recognize any of them, then at least we will try to recognize ourselves. In this way we can recognize a man who is "created according to God in truth and in the likeness of truth." And this is the eternal life. And when we recognize him, in the twinkling of an eye we shall be transformed into him, and all that is dead will be swallowed up by his belly. Listen to what it means that he himself says to his lover, who will be born into his lineage and wants to be with him at the same time: "If I have not known you yourself, O good wife, go out at the heels of the flocks and feed your goats at the shepherd's booths." Write these words in eternal colors on your heart and on your thoughts. Pass on this voice of God for an inheritance also to your descendants, that their remains may be blessed, and dwell in a good land, and be satiated with wheat, wine, and oil, and be nourished in calm waters, and fatten with bread the word of God, and so shall they inherit their land for the second time, and everlasting joy upon their heads. And if someone does not recognize himself, he cannot hear the voice of the Lord his God, so that the Lord may open to him His good treasure – heaven. II will not receive, will not see, will not understand these sweetest promises of God in Psaip: "Then thy light shall be opened early, and thy healings shall soon shine, and thy righteousness shall stand before thee, and the glory of God shall embrace thee. Then you will call, and God will hear you, and he will say to him who says to you: "Behold, I have come." Thy God shall always be with thee, and thou shalt be satisfied, as thy soul desireth. Thy bones shall be fattened, and shall be like a watered garden, and like a fountain in which water shall not fail. And thy bones shall vegetate like grass, and shall flourish, and shall inherit the generations of generations."