The earth has an ellipse tilt of twenty-three degrees, which causes different seasons; Without this tilt, vapors rising from the ocean would move along the line of the north-south, piling up ice on our continents. If the moon were only fifty thousand miles away, instead of being about two hundred and forty thousand miles away, our ocean tides would be so great that they would flood our earth twice a day. If our atmosphere were more rarefied, burning meteorites (which burn up by the millions in space) would hit our earth daily from different directions, producing fires... These examples and many others show that there is not a single chance in a million that life on our planet is an "accident".

The American scientist cites a number of truths and proofs that are revealed in the study of nature, which also lead him directly to the Creator, God. Revealing the marvellous order that reigns in matter, he says that "the organization of the material requires us to recognize that only infinite Wisdom could have ordained and arranged such an amazing government of the world"...

Morrison also says that the fact that it is possible for man to perceive the idea of God "is already, in itself, an indisputable proof of His existence." And in this possibility of man to know and love the Creator, the scientist quite correctly sees "human" greatness.

With his free, honest thought, faith as the highest spiritual intuition, and prayer, a person can instantly traverse the entire distance that separates him from God. Prayer is the true nourishment of the spirit and the revitalization of the immortal being in man, it is the highest enlightenment of man. Whoever wants to pray to God will find prayer, and whoever finds it will never abandon it, because there is no greater good and happiness for a person than to talk to God – to realize and feel his living, personal communion with the Creator, with infinite love and truth. For His love and truth, every person who has not completely extinguished his spirit yearns.

The Light of the World

The light of the world is the truth of Christ. "I am the Light of the world," said Christ. The spiritual warmth of the world is the love of Christ, which is given to all people so that they may fill their spiritual being with it. Such is the life of the spirit. The spirit is nourished through prayer. Prayer is our first spiritual food. Just as we do not forget to eat, drink, warm ourselves, and clothe ourselves every day, so let us give our spirit prayer, love, and the truth of the Gospel. A bird not only builds a nest, it also flies and sings. And man was created not only to work, but also to love and pray.

A person must constantly bring his spirit into balance. Our spirit often wavers, we worry, lose our temper, and then we make life mistakes, hurt ourselves and others. A person who strives for a spiritual life must first of all seek balance, tranquility of spirit, peace of heart. To do this, a person must not be excessively partial to things, or to other people, or to himself. Having inner freedom, he must love all people, wish good to everyone, help whom he can, pray for everyone, for those who love him and especially for those who do not love him, so that darkness is opposed not by darkness, but by light. Man is called to worship only God.

A person must wash his spirit, nourish him, warm him and illuminate him with Christ's truth. To put him in those conditions in which the spirit can grow stronger, develop, and grow into eternal life. There is hygiene of the body and there is hygiene of the spirit. The human spirit also needs sanctification, which comes from Christ, the Son of God, the incarnate true God.

It is possible to see in everyday human life how our spirit manifests itself through the flesh. Through a person's face (especially through his eyes) all the good and bright that is in him is clearly visible: the face of a good person shines like a mirror reflecting the inner world of God's truth. The face of an evil person is always prickly, unfriendly and even deadly for others. Isn't that so?... Let materialists who do not believe in the spiritual nature of man think about this.

We are all drawn to the spiritual light. Even non-believers, unconsciously for themselves, want to enter the higher life, to incarnate themselves in it, they strive for some kind of fullness of being, which is not here on earth. We see here only a glimpse of eternal existence in the midst of our weakness and mortality. But this reflection is the greatest treasure of the world, and wise is the man who is not tempted by the lure of the external, transient joys of the earth, but raises his gaze more and more to the undying values of true life...

It is easy for a true believer to leave the earth. His soul, free from attachments to the perishable values of the world and not boiling in passions, easily departs into eternity, into the fullness of bliss, the beginning of which it has already experienced in this world.

Let this bliss be associated with the Cross, with the struggle against one's own and the surrounding evil... Some understand the Cross as something burdensome, coming from outside. This is not true. The taking up of the Cross of Christ is the readiness and inspiration of the free will of man himself to fight for God's truth both in his soul and in the world. The cross is a free human consent to fight for love and truth in this world.

It is not easy for a person to fight for love, truth and purity on this earth. Everything seems to condemn, disrupt and weaken our impulse for good, both inside us and outside... But a believer carries this impulse through his whole life. This is his Cross. And he who refuses to bear the bright, saving Cross of Christ's truth, purity and love, is forced to bear the hopeless robber's cross of his passions, his evil deeds and their consequences. This is the cross of that left-wing thief who was crucified with Christ on Golgotha, but who did not repent before Christ, who did not realize his sinfulness and rejected Christ.

Man's life is not easy in this earthly, transitory world. He must be a part of his being in this world, honestly do his earthly work: for his loved ones, for his people, for humanity. But with the last depth of the spirit he must breathe the heavenly air of eternity. There, to this pure height of being, he goes after his earthly ordeal. A religious person can be called a person whose values are not only on earth, but also in heaven.