Bl. Jerome of Stridont

880 2 Timothy 2:17. - According to the new Synodal Russian translation: And their word, like cancer, will spread - ed.

881 According to the new Synodal Russian translation: And because iniquity abounds, the love of many will grow cold; but he who endures to the end will be saved.

882 Song of Songs 8, 7.

883 Romans 8:35.

884 Dan 9:27.

885 2 Thess 2:3-8.

886 Psalm 75:5. - According to the new Synodal Russian translation: Thou art glorious, mightier than the predatory mountains.

887 Psalm 115:5. According to the new Synodal Russian translation: I will render my vows to the Lord before all His people.

888 According to the new Synodal Russian translation: "Woe to those who are with child, and to those who feed their breasts in those days."

889 U per.: having-ed.

890 In transl.: having - ed.

891 U per.: stiffness - ed.

892 U per.: to understand - ed.

893 Psalm 118:21. - According to the new Synodal Russian translation: Thou hast tamed the proud, the accursed, those who deviate from Thy commandments.

894 Psalm 90:16.

895 Psalm 21:17.

896 Isaiah 53:7.

897 Psalm 102:5. According to the new Synodal Russian translation: Your youth is renewed like an eagle - ed.

898 In the text of the Commentary: Isaiah 46, ?. Perhaps: Isaiah 46, II: I have called an eagle from the east, from a far country, the doer of my decree - ed.

899 According to the new Synodal Russian translation: And suddenly, after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.

900 Isaiah 30:26. - According to the new Synodal Russian translation: The light of the sun will be brighter than the light of seven days.