«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

A certain monk reported that, once being at the skete of All Saints, he went into the church, the service had not yet begun, and the late elder Schema-monk Onuphry was already in the church. Soon Father Nikita, a schema-monk of the Baptist, also came to the church in order to pray; it was on the second day of Holy Pascha. The elders, seeing each other, began to kindly confuse one another, therefore, in order not to interfere with their spiritual demons, the monk who had come earlier wanted to move away from them; Seeing this, the elders wished that he also should be a participant in their demon. Among other things, they talked about their death, which soon, soon would visit them. Then the monk said a word about himself, saying that his death might soon come. But the elders answered him with a smile: "No! You will still live, if you are still young, you will see everything ahead - both bitter and sweet, but it is time for us, old people, to prepare for it." At this, Fr. Nikita said: "I ask the Lord that I be tempered on Pascha; This is my sincere desire." "And I," said Fr. Onufriy, "pray to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos that I may die on the Dormition on the first, or on the second, or on the third day of this wondrous feast of the Queen of Heaven." The elders, having spoken with love in the Lord, asked each other for holy prayers. At this time the divine services began. And what do we see? Wondrous are Thy works, O Lord! — Fr. Nikita died on the evening of Great Saturday. He was buried on the third day of Holy Pascha. And Fr. Onuphry died on August 17, and was buried on August 19 on the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God.

Truly great are the mercies of God to us! The Lord will do the will of those who fear Him, and He will hear their prayer," says the Psalmist. "Let us give thanks to the All-Good Lord, Who has mercy on those who fear Him and fulfills their will, if it is not contrary to His Divine will!"


The inner life of a monk was always hidden for all those around him, according to the words of the Apostle Paul: "Your life is hidden with Christ in God." Likewise, St. St. Isaac the Syrian writes: "Be hidden from all." Consequently, the ascetic monks preserve their hearts, as the Holy of Holies, unapproachable and hidden for those around them, even though they are close and spiritually disposed to them. Only before death does it happen that the ascetic sometimes confides his inner state to someone close in spirit, to one of the brethren.

On August 17, 1912, the ascetic elder Schema-monk Fr. Onuphry departed peacefully from us. He lived in the world for 81 years, of which 49 years he spent in monasticism. The last years of his life he lived in the skete of All Saints, where he was buried behind the altar of the skete church. Elder Fr. Onuphrius was a monk of a primitive life, filled with many virtues, such as: non-acquisitiveness, silence, abstinence, diligence, love for church and cell prayer, meek, humble, not malicious, etc. Many respected him for his holy life, and sometimes, visiting him when he was sick, they tried to find out his inner work, asking him how his prayer was going, but he always avoided and did not let anyone into his heart, entrusting his treasure to no one, only on the eve of his death, sitting on his wretched bed, with a joyful and loving smile he told his life to a monk who was close to him in spirit, and how he had found unceasing prayer.

"I was in the world a man of the lord, and from my very youth I strove strongly for monasticism, and more than once I asked my masters to let me go to a monastery; but I was married against my will. However, I did not live long with my wife, who, by the way, was kind and faithful, and I begged her to let me go to the monastery. At that time the peasants had already been set free, the landlord could no longer restrain me, but the peasants held me back and did not let me go for a long time. I had to treat them, according to their wishes, with vodka, and only then did they dismiss me from society. And finally, having freed myself from all the worldly snares and fetters, I rushed to the monastery, with great joy. I had already heard about Valaam earlier, where I directed my steps and help God, on June 10, 1863, I entered the quiet holy Valaam Monastery.

Living in the monastery, I diligently underwent many obediences entrusted to me, cutting off my will in everything, trying to learn the monastic virtues, and especially the inner prayer of Jesus. By the conscience and blessing of my elder, I began to diligently engage in the Jesus Prayer. The Elder taught me to pray simply, without sticking to any artificial devices. keeping his attention in the chest stripe. After some time, various strong battles and temptations began to attack me. At first my mind was troubled by warfare through various thoughts: now malice, now hatred against my neighbors disturbed me, and like a dark cloud hung over me, so all kinds of thoughts attacked me. Then I told the elder about my difficult condition. He, having calmed me down, said: "This will pass, do not be dismayed and do the prayer of Jesus diligently, do not accept any thoughts and imaginations; drive them away, but pay attention to the words of prayer, and from your soul call out to the Lord with repentance and humble awareness of your insignificance and all sinfulness, remembering also His presence. This battle had not yet subsided, when a new misfortune came, and a fierce fever was revealed in me, most in my chest, and so strong that I did not know what to do. I applied both sleep and ice to my chest, but nothing helped, as if something was burning in me. Thanks to the elder! He supported me in this temptation and did not allow me to fall into despondency and hopelessness. As soon as this temptation began to disappear, a new one swooped in: some kind of subcutaneous blisters began to spread all over my body; The skin was strangely swollen and swollen, although I did not feel pain, but I was quite embarrassed by this new grief. After this, a worse temptation befell me. I lost sleep, and I suffered greatly from sleeplessness: days, weeks, months pass, and I have almost no sleep at all; No matter how hard I try, I can't fall asleep. To be honest, I was already seriously frightened, thinking that I would probably go mad from insomnia. But again the elder calmed me down and assured me that this temptation would soon pass. Thus I struggled, struggled with various temptations for four years; but at last the Lord had mercy on me, and these temptations were over for me, and I began to calm down. Now it became easier and easier for me to engage in mental prayer; attention was no longer so repulsive, and tears of tenderness and repentance began to come more and more often. During prayer, the Divine peace began to illuminate my sinful soul. I always asked the Lord that He would vouchsafe me to be prayerfully with Him, and that prayer would always be lifted up to Him from my heart. And behold, the All-Good Lord was pleased to comfort me, unworthy, and reward me, not according to my works, but according to His ineffable mercy. I remember that it was at the Holy Matins of Christ, when, according to the custom of the Church, they went in procession around the church and sang a solemn and joyful song: "Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Saviour, the angels sing in heaven, and vouchsafe us on earth to glorify Thee with a pure heart." Suddenly, in some incomprehensible way, a spiritual fire was kindled in my heart, and from that time on it began to incessantly spiritually warm and comfort me. The prayer went by itself, like a stream of flowing water, an inexpressible love for the Lord boiled in my heart; spiritual joy filled my soul, and tears, according to the words of the Psalmist, were for me to eat day and night. Only I asked the Lord not to weep at the table, and not to give myself away and not to disturb the brethren; this the Lord has given me. And now 37 years have passed, as this spiritual flame dwells in my heart. True, there were cases when for some careless word he left me for a short time; then I wept, repenting before the Lord: I asked His mercy, and the fire appeared again in my heart, and warmed me spiritually. He is so subtle and spiritual that not only is it impossible to do anything bad, but he does not tolerate even talking about anything vain or sinful. Now I cannot live without the Lord for a single minute, no matter what I do, but in my heart the fire of prayer burns unceasingly, and prayer, like a stream, always flows within me. Tomorrow, if the Lord blesses," the elder concluded, looking at his fellow priest with a cheerful smile, "our Skete Hieromonk Fr. Seraphim will commune me of the Divine Mysteries of Christ in the morning, and it is time, it is time for me to go home to my forefathers." "Well. You will still live, father," the monk objected, "you are not yet so weak that you will die so soon." "No," the elder replied in a confident and firm voice, "tomorrow I leave you and go home to my forefathers. The news there is incomparably better than here." "But I," says the monk, "did not believe this in my heart, seeing him so cheerful and kind sitting on his wretched bed, and speaking to me with a firm voice." This conversation took place late in the evening, and on the next day, August 17, after the early Liturgy, having communed of Christ's Holy Mysteries, some half an hour after communion, the elder quietly and peacefully gave up his spirit into the hands of his beloved Lord, Whom he had loved with all his heart from his youth, and Whom he had zealously served and pleased with all his soul. Over him was truly fulfilled the word of the Psalmist: "Blessed is Thou whom Thou hast chosen and received, He shall dwell in Thy courts" (Psalm 64:5).

We believe that now he is in the light of the Saints, enjoying the sight of the Lord, inexpressibly blessed, glorifying the All-Good God.


Справедливо Св. Отцы сказали: «Монахъ не вернется въ свою келлію такимъ, какимъ вышелъ изъ нея». Что же сказать намъ о тѣхъ отлучкахъ невольныхъ за святое послушаніе изъ обители иноковъ, когда имъ приходится долго жить среди міра и его соблазновъ, напримѣръ, на подворьяхъ въ городахъ, или, что ещё несравненно опаснѣе и вреднѣе для инока, жить среди семьи, окруженнымъ разными соблазнами мірскими? Въ такую обстановку жизни попадаютъ священноиноки, когда ихъ временно посылаютъ на приходъ вмѣсто священника, тогда поневолѣ приходится иноку жить въ семьѣ среди соблазновъ. Врагъ старается уловить въ свои сѣти вышедшаго изъ обители инока, и только сила молитвъ и сила св. послушанія сохраняютъ ихъ отъ паденія грѣховнаго. Разсказывалъ намъ одинъ инокъ, находящійся въ подобной обстановкѣ: «Однажды, когда мнѣ было очень тяжело и я уже былъ на краю гибели, а помощи подать мнѣ было нѣоткуда, я находился въ сильномъ волненіи, какъ вдругъ моментально, совсѣмъ неожиданно для себя, я впалъ въ забывчивость или какъ бы въ легкій сонъ. И вотъ я вижу, откуда-то по воздуху величаво и радостно идетъ ко мнѣ покойный нашь старецъ Іеросхидіаконъ Веніаминъ въ полной схимѣ. Лицо у него было какъ свѣтъ; схима — словно огненная; лучи свѣта испускаетъ отъ себя вся его величавая личность. Подошелъ онъ ко мнѣ, пріятный, веселый и радостный. Увидавъ его, я бросился къ нему какъ бы на шею и низко, низко поклонился ему; затѣмъ сталъ жаловаться на свое тяжелое положеніе, сказавъ ему между прочимъ: «Помолитесь, батюшка, за меня, мнѣ вѣдь здѣсь очень тяжело стало жить». — «Я за тебя постоянно молюсь! — отвѣтилъ старецъ. — Не скорби. Богъ да поможетъ тебѣ и да охранитъ тебя!» Съ этими словами старецъ моментально отъ меня скрылся, а я будто бы очутился уже на Валаамѣ, въ церкви Предтеченскаго скита. Вижу, на своемъ обычномъ мѣстѣ, за правымъ клиросомъ, сидитъ уважаемый всѣми нами въ то время еще здравствовавшій старецъ-схимонахъ О. Никита. Я радостно устремляюсь къ нему и говорю ему тѣ же слова, какія говорилъ и О. Веніамину: «Батюшка, помолитесь за меня; мнѣ вѣдь очень тяжело и опасно жить среди міра». Отецъ Никита, тоже утѣшивъ меня духовными словами и обѣщавъ молиться обо мнѣ, между прочимъ сказалъ мнѣ: .«Господь поможетъ тебѣ. Не бойся! Не скорби!» Съ этими словами я очнулся отъ своей забывчивости и что же? Совершенно другое состояніе ощутилъ я въ своей душѣ, тишину, миръ и полное прекращеніе брани грѣховной. Вскорѣ окончивъ свое послушаніе, я вернулся въ обитель и, когда пріѣхалъ въ Предтеченскій скитъ, увидалъ старца О. Никиту и, радостно привѣтствовавъ его, сталъ было говорить ему, какъ мнѣ было тяжело и просилъ его св. молитвъ. На это онъ съ обычной своей улыбкой отвѣтилъ мнѣ такъ: «Я постоянно за тебя молюсь. Я зналъ, что тебѣ было тяжело». А потомъ какъ-то особенно посмотрѣвъ на меня, онъ сказалъ: «Вѣдь я же у тебя былъ тогда». И я сразу же понялъ, о чемъ онъ говоритъ. Понялъ, что онъ дѣйствительно былъ у меня въ ту самую ужасную минуту, когда я изнемогалъ въ тяжелой борьбѣ, и если бы не наши два старца, одинъ — изъ того міра, а другой — изъ живой ещё братіи, по Божію милосердію, не спасли бы меня отъ грѣховной гибели, то не знаю, что бы тогда было съ моей бѣдной душой».


Повѣдалъ намъ схимонахъ Иннокентій. «Когда я жилъ на послушаніи въ Германовскомъ скиту, то однажды, когда вся скитская братія говѣла, а у іеромонаха того же скита О. Іосіи случилась съ однимъ изъ братіи размолвка и дѣло дошло до легкой ссоры, во время литургіи, подходя ко Св. Причащенію, я подумалъ съ сожалѣніемъ про помянутаго іеромонаха, какъ-то онъ себя чувствуетъ, бѣдный, отъ этой непріятности? Спокоенъ ли его духъ? И вотъ, подходя къ Св. Чашѣ, я испытующе посмотрѣлъ ему въ лицо. И что же я увидѣлъ? Я даже до сего времени не могу понять этого. Узрѣлъ я его стоящимъ какъ бы на какомъ-то возвышеніи и ростомъ чуть ли не въ два раза выше меня, такъ что, чтобы поглядѣть ему въ лицо, мнѣ пришлось высоко поднять голову, и притомъ отъ него исходилъ какой-то необыкновенно пріятный свѣтъ, такъ что даже и волоса на головѣ свѣтились и всё лицо сіяло; а одежда была какая-то особенно блистательная. Я былъ до крайности пораженъ и изумленъ его видомъ. Со страхомъ подошелъ я къ Св. Причастію. О. Іосій съ кроткой и пріятной улыбкой преподалъ мнѣ Божественныя Тайны. Когда же я отошелъ отъ Св. Чаши и, обернувшись, снова посмотрѣлъ на іеромонаха, то уже увидѣлъ его въ обычномъ видѣ, безъ всякой перемѣны. Я много удивлялся сему видѣнію, но никому не говорилъ ни слова, размышляя самъ въ себѣ и удивляясь, какъ это Всемилостивый Господь возвышаетъ и украшаетъ Своихъ служителей, не смотря на ихъ нѣкія малыя немощи и недостатки?!»


Повѣдалъ намъ покойный Іеромонахъ О. Наѳанаилъ про себя слѣдующее: «Когда я, будучи ещё послушникомъ, жилъ въ монастырѣ и, проживъ въ немъ спокойно нѣсколько лѣтъ, нимало волнуясь мыслію уйти обратно въ міръ, я уже сталъ подумывать, какъ бы мнѣ окончательно отписаться отъ міра — пріуказиться и быть инокомъ монастыря. Но вдругъ мое намѣреніе сразу почему-то стало перемѣняться. Пошли различные помыслы о домашнихъ, оставленной пріятности мірской жизни и т.п. Въ обители мнѣ всё стало казаться какимъ-то скучнымъ и унылымъ; братія казались словно чужіе и непривлекательные. Однимъ словомъ, я заскучалъ и сталъ жить въ монастырѣ съ большой тяготой и скорбію. Ходилъ и къ своему старцу; открывалъ ему свое тяжелое состояніе. Старецъ утѣшалъ меня какъ могъ и совѣтовалъ перетерпѣть это вражеское искушеніе; оно должно было, по его словамъ, скоро кончиться. Но время шло..., а мнѣ становилось всё скучнѣе и всё тяжелѣе. И вотъ я рѣшился уѣхать къ роднымъ въ міръ; пожить среди нихъ, чтобы успокоить свою унылую душу. Пошелъ къ О. Игумену и сказалъ ему, а также и старцу, своё решеніе; они долго меня уговаривали и убѣждали не уѣзжать изъ обители, но я крѣпко уперся, увѣряя ихъ, что у меня больше нѣтъ силъ жить въ монастырѣ, а ужъ лучше я съѣзжу домой и тамъ отдохну и успокоюсь: «Потомъ снова пріѣду къ вамъ и тогда уже со свѣжими силами примусь за иноческіе подвиги и труды». Тогда они, видя мое упорство, уступили, сказавъ: «Ну что жъ дѣлать? Дѣлай, какъ знаешь, если не хочешь насъ слушать!» Я былъ въ восторгѣ, что уѣзжаю домой; живо сдалъ монастырскія вещи и поспѣшилъ перебраться изъ монастыря на гостиницу, горя нетерпѣніемъ поскорѣй съ первымъ пароходомъ уѣхать съ пустыннаго и скучнаго Валаама. Наканунѣ своего отъѣзда, вечеромъ, находясь одинъ въ келліи на гостинницѣ, я прилегъ не раздѣваясь на кровать и сталъ раздумывать, какъ я поѣду, съ кемъ увижусь, какъ буду себя держать въ кругу старыхъ знакомыхъ и родныхъ. Картинныя мысли одна другой радужнѣе и привлекательнѣе воображались предъ моими очами. Въ келліи было совершенно свѣтло. Я лежалъ съ открытыми глазами, иной разъ на минутку закрывалъ ихъ, а потомъ снова съ открытыми глазами мечталъ и мечталъ о своемъ будущемъ счастье. Но вотъ во время самаго моего разгара мечтаній, открывъ сжатые глаза, я увидѣлъ странное и поразительное зрѣлище. Вижу маленькаго чернаго эѳіопа, вродѣ маленькаго мальчугана негра, посреди келліи съ бубнами въ рукахъ, лихо и быстро пляшущаго въ присядку; причемъ ударяя въ бубны онъ выражалъ свою буйную и сильную радость. Я смотрѣлъ на него, выпуча глаза въ ужасѣ и страхѣ, и отъ страшнаго изумленія могъ только сказать: «Господи помилуй!» Что же это такое?! и вдругъ моментально плясунъ изъ моихъ глазъ исчезъ. Я вскочилъ съ кровати въ страхѣ и ужасѣ. Такъ вотъ кому я доставилъ радость-то, вотъ кто меня такъ сільно тащилъ въ міръ. Если это такъ, то не поѣду я никуда изъ обители, чтобы радовался ты, врагъ, обо мнѣ! Съ такимъ твердымъ решеніемъ я немедленно пошелъ къ старцу и къ О. Игумену Іонаѳану, разсказалъ имъ свое видѣніе и просилъ ихъ прощенія и благословенія снова жить и трудиться во святой обітели. Они сердечно обрадовались и благословили меня жить и снова бороться съ врагомъ. Скоро брань моя кончилась. Опять стало нравиться жить въ монастырѣ и всё было по душѣ: и братство, и послушаніе, и уставъ монастырскій. Этимъ искушеніемъ я много попользовался и, если когда-либо мысль толкала меня въ міръ, то вспоминая ликованіе и пляску бѣсовскую, я быстро успокаивался и не колебался уже мыслію уѣхать изъ монастыря.