This is a book that contains invariable parts of the daily service, except for the Liturgy, for use by readers and singers on the kliros. It sets forth the rite of the Midnight Office, Matins, the First, Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours, Vespers and Compline Great and Small.

The Book of Hours received its name from the exposition of the order of the hours in it. The Book of Hours also contains an additional part, in different editions of different content. Usually there are morning prayers, read before the Midnight Office, the rite of elevation of the panagia, the blessing of the meal, the canon to the Theotokos paraclesis, compiled by the monk Theostirictus, prayers for the coming sleep, troparia and kontakia, the Theotokos, which conclude the singing of troparia and stichera. In the Great Book of Hours, the Menologion is also appended. The Lesser Book of Hours is an abbreviation of the Great Hours. These abbreviations apply only to add-ons.

Octoechos, or Osmoglasnik

Octoechos comes from the Greek οκτω – eight and ηχος – voice. This book, which usually consists of two parts, contains prayers arranged in all eight tones (or melodies), which are sung at various church services of the weekly cycle, that is, changing depending on the day of the week, for each day of the week is devoted to its own special memories. The order of the altered services set forth in the Octoechos is as follows: the Sunday service of the first tone, the service of Monday of the first tone, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, then the Sunday service of the second tone, the service of Monday of the second tone, Tuesday and so on until Saturday, then the Sunday service of the third tone, the service of Monday of the third tone... and so on, in the same sequence, all the weekly services for all eight tones. The singing of all eight tones over the course of eight weeks is called a "pillar" in the Church Ustav. There are six such pillars sung in the church liturgical year. The singing of the Octoechos begins on weekdays with the Sunday of All Saints after Pentecost and ends before Saturday of Meatfare Week. During the period of Great Lent, adjacent to it at the beginning of Cheese Week and at the end of Holy Week, as well as in the period from Pascha to Pentecost, the Octoechos is not sung on weekdays. On Sundays, the Octoechos is not sung, beginning with the Sunday of Vai and ending with the Sunday of All Saints. In addition, if the Twelve Great Feast of the Lord occurs on any Sunday or weekday, the singing of the Octoechos is also abandoned. The singing of the Octoechos is left on a weekday on which any feast of the Divine or holy takes place.

Menaion monthly, festive and common

The monthly Menaion from μηναιον = month contains variable prayers for all days of the year according to the dates of each month for fixed feasts (that is, those that always fall on certain days of a certain month). Therefore, in accordance with the number of months in the year, the Monthly Menaion consists of 12 books. At the end of each book, special hymns of the Theotokos are printed, or the so-called "dogmatics", the Sunday hymns of the Theotokos, sung after the stichera in verse, the Theotokos, sung, "when there is 'Glory' to the saint in the Menaion"; then the Dismissal of the Theotokos, sung after the troparia on Sundays and feast days, and the Theotokos of the Dismissal, sung on weekdays after the troparia.

In addition to the Monthly Menaion, there is also the so-called festive Menaion, or "Anthologion", or "Trephologion", "Flower Books", which contains selected from the Menaion of the Monthly Service of the Lord, the Mother of God and especially revered feasts in honor of some Saints.

The common Menaion contains variable prayers not to each saint separately, like the Menaion, but common to each choir of saints separately, for example, a common service to the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints, etc. In addition to the services to the saints, it also contains general services for the feasts of the Lord, the Mother of God, the Cross, the Angels, the Forerunner and the Councils. The common Menaion has two uses: first, it is necessary for the Monthly Menaion, when it is necessary to perform services to such saints who do not have a separate service written in the Menaion; secondly, in poor churches, where there is not a complete set of all the liturgical books, the Common Menaion serves to replace the 12 Monthly Menaion.

There is also the Additional Menaion, which contains the services of recently glorified saints, which are therefore not included in the Menaion.

Триодь постная и Триодь цветная

Эти две книги содержат молитвословия для подвижных дней богослужебного года, зависящих от того, в какой день года придется Пасха. Называются эти книги так потому, что характерным содержанием их являются неполные каноны, состоящие большей частью из трех (1–ой, 8–ой и 9–ой) песней (по–гречески τριωδιον=«триодион» «трипеснец»), или из четырех (четырепеснец), или из двух (двупеснец).

Триодь постная содержит молитвословия подготовительных недель к Великому посту, молитвословия самого Великого поста и молитвословия Страстной седмицы. Первая служба, помещенная в Триоди постной, это служба Недели Мытаря и Фарисея, а последняя служба Великой субботы. Молитвословия Триоди постной в будничные дни заменяют собою молитвословия Октоиха. Из Октоиха берутся только некоторые седальны и светильны, но они печатаются в самой Триоди, так что можно обходиться без пользования самой книгой Октоиха. Только в воскресные дни периода постной Триоди воскресные песнопения берутся для каждого данного гласа из Октоиха. Во время пения Триоди постной пение Минеи не отменяется, но есть некоторые дни, когда и Минея отлагается, а вся служба совершается только по Триоди.

Триодь цветная содержит молитвословия начиная с первого дня Пасхи и кончая неделею Всех Святых после Пятидесятницы. Цветная Триодь, подобно постной, иногда заменяет собою Минею, иногда поется вместе с ней. Воскресные песнопения Октоиха печатаются на своих местах в Триоди цветной, вследствие чего можно обходиться без Октоиха.

Некоторые последования из Триоди постной и цветной изданы отдельными книжками. Таковы: Последование Первой Седмицы Великого поста, Последование Страстной седмицы, Последование во Святую и Великую Неделю Пасхи и во всю Светлую седмицу и др.