Дервас Читти Град Пустыня
V. Ahr. = Vita Abramii, Cyr. Scyth. Pp. 2439; арабскую версию см. в В. Z. 14 и А В. 24.
V.A. = VitaAntonii, P. G. 26,835976.
V.C.S.P. Vies copies de S. Pachöme, Louvain, 1943.
V. C. S, B°, etc. = V. C. S. P., Sahidic, Bohairic, etc.
V. Char. = Vita Charitonis, ed. Garitte, Bulletin de Г Institut historique beige
de Rome, 1941, pp. 550.
V. Cyr. = Vita Cyriaci, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 22235.
V.E. = Vita Euthymii, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 385.
V. Es. = Vita Esaiae, ed. Brooks, C. S. C. 0., Scr. Syr., Sser. 3, t. 25, pp. 116.
V.etR.= Vie et Recits de I 'Abbe Daniel le Scetiote, ed. Clugnet, Paris, 1901
(reprinted from R. О. C. 5: Greek, Syriac and Coptic).
V. G. C. = Vita Georgii Chozibitae, A. B. 7, pp. 97144,33659.
V. Ger. = Vita Gerasimi, ed. K. Koikylides, Αί παρά τόν Ίορδάνην Λαΰραι
Καλαμώνος και οί βίοι τοΰ αγίου Γερασίμου, καί Κυριάκου τοΰ άνα
χωρητοϋ, Jerusalem, 1902.
V. Greg. = Vita S. Gregorii Papae, P. L. 75.
V. Hil. = Vita Hilarionis (Jerome), P. L. 23.
V. J. El. = Vita S. Johannis Eleemosynarii.
V.J. H. = Vita Johannis Hesychastae, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 20122.
V. M.J. = Vitae Melaniae Junioris, ed. Gorce, Vie de Ste. Melanie, S. C. 90.
V.P.C. = V.C.S.P.
V.P.G}=S.P. V. G., Vita Prima.
V. Petr. Ib. = Vita Petri Iberitae, ed. Raabe, Petrus der Iberer, Leipzig, 1895.
V. Porph. = Marcus Diaconus, Vita S. Porphyrii Gazensis, edd. Gregoire and
Kugener, Vie de Porphyre, Paris, 1930.
V.S. = Vita Sabae, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 85200.
V.Sev. = Vita Seven (Zacharias of Mitylene), P. О. II, 1115.
V. Theod. Syk. = Vita Theodori Sykeotae.
V. Theod. = Vita Theodosii Coenobiarchae.
V. Th. (C. S.) = V. Theod, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 23541.
V. Th. (Th. P.) = V. Theod. by Theodore of Petra, ed. Usener, Der heilige Theo
dosius, Leipzig (Teubner), 1890.
V. Theogn. (C. S.) = Vita Theognii, Cyr. Scyth., pp. 2413.
V. Theogn. (P. E.) = Vita Theognii, by Paul of Elousa, Α. B. 10.
Wilcken = Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde, von L. Mitteis und U. Wilcken. Erste Band: historische Teil. Zweite Hälfte: Chrestomathie, von Ulrich Wilcken. Teubner, 1912.