Essays on the History of the Russian Church

The Fruits of the Orthodox School and Literature.

The reunification of Kievan Rus with Moscow Rus and the annexation of the Kievan Metropolia to the Muscovy.

Synodal period.


The Main Character and Evaluation of the Synodal Period.

The Church under Peter the Great.

Personal religiosity of Peter I. Origin of the Protestant reform. The beginning of the domination of the Little Russian episcopate. The secret beginning of church reform. Open autocratic reform. Manifesto and Oath. Reform of the Reform itself. Peter's "Domestic" Reform and the Criterion of Universality. Recognition of the Synod by the Orthodox Patriarchs. Reflection of the reform in the state legal consciousness. Reaction to the reform in the church consciousness.

The Supreme Church Administration and the Relationship of the Church to the State. St. The Synod after Peter the Great.

The time of Catherine I (1725-1727). The time of Peter II (1727-1730). Reign of Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740). Organization of the Apparatus of the Supreme Church Authority

in the reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovshchina" in the church. Episcopal Trials. The case of Voronezh Archbishop Lev (Yurlov). The case of Georgy and Ignatius. The case of Archbishop. Theophylact (Lopatinsky). Accession of Ivan IV Antonovich (1740-1741). Reign of Elizabeth Petrovna (25.XI. 1741-1760). The beginning of the secularization procedure. Emperor Peter III Fedorovich (1761-1762). Accession of Catherine II (1792-1796). Secularization of church lands. The Personality of Catherine II. The case of Arseny Matsievich. The Court of the Synod. Arseny in exile. Pavel (Kanyuchkevich), Metropolitan of Tobolsk and Siberia. After secularization. Hierarchs of Catherine's time.

Parish clergy.

From the time of Peter the Great's reforms. Heredity of the places of service of the clergy. Staff frames and analyses. Parish clergy under Catherine II.

Theological school.