Ecumenical Councils

Ecumenical Councils.


From the Editors. Preface.

The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325

Arianism. External course of events. Council of Antioch 324-325 Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. The procedure of the council. The Limits of Nicene Theology. Direct results of the Council of Nicaea. Anti-Nicene reaction. Constantine's retreat. The struggle of St. Athanasius. The Council of Tyre, 335, Marcellus of Ancyra. The Theology of Marcellus. After Marcellus' temptation. Constantine's heirs. Intervention of Pope Julius. The Council of Antioch of 341. The Council of Serdica 342-343 A.D. The Council of Serdica without the "Easterners". Photin. The Church Policy of Constantius. Sirmium formulas. The Council of 353 in Arles. The Council of Milan 355 The Pursuit of Athanasius. The 2nd Sirmium formula and its consequences. "Eastern" groupings. Anomoeans. The turn of the "Easterners" to Nicaea: the Omousians. The "Ecumenical Council" in Ariminium-Seleucia. In Seleucia of Isauria (359). The Council of Alexandria, 362, the Paulinian schism of Antioch. The struggle of the parties after Julian. Freedom of struggle of parties. The Church Policy of Valens (364-378) in the East. The conversion of the Omousians to the Nicene faith. Preliminary Council of Tyana. Pneumatochi. The Eradication of Arianism in the West. Great Cappadocians. The organizational feat of Basil the Great. An obstacle to the cause is the Antiochian schism. Eustathius of Sebaste. The Victory of Orthodoxy.

The Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 381

Nicene-Constantinople Symbol. The Church Policy of Theodosius I the Great after the Council of 381-382. Arianism in the West. A time of transition from triadological disputes to Christological ones. The position of the church in Asia Minor. Syria. Antioch. Attempts to liquidate the Antiochian strife. Jerusalem Church. The Initial History of Monasticism. Blessed Jerome. Origenist disputes. State situation. St. John Chrysostom. Troubles in the church because of the violence against Chrysostom. Christological disputes. Apollinaris of Laodicea. Christology of the Objectors to Apollinarius. Antiochian Christology (Diodorus of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsyestia). Nestorianism. St. Cyril of Alexandria.

The Third Ecumenical Council of 431

The opening of the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 431 The conclusion of the Council of Ephesus in 431 with peace in 433 The conciliatory confession of 433 A new period of struggle between the schools of Antioch and Alexandria. Theodore of Mopsuestia. Monophysitism. The Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 449 ("The Robber" — "Latrocinium Ephesinum").

IV Ecumenical Council of 451 in Chalcedon.