Sergius Mansurov Essays from the History of the Church

2. Asia Minor (Syria), Rome.

3. The Epistles of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer. The teaching of the 12 Apostles is the Didache. The Acts of Martyrdom of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer, the book "The Shepherd" of Hermas, the Epistle of Polycarp of Smyrna.

2nd generation:

1. St. Polycarp of Smyrna, St. Justin the Philosopher (St. Meliton of Sardica).

2. Asia Minor (Rome).

3. The Acts of Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna, his Epistle, the Acts of Martyrdom and the works of St. Justin the Philosopher, the works of Irenaeus of Lyons (Epistle to Diognetus), the works of the Apologists.

3rd generation:

1. St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Martyrs of Lyons.

2. Asia Minor, Gaul, Rome.

3. The works of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, the Epistles on the Martyrs of Lyons, the Acts of Martyrdom of Apollonius and other Roman martyrs (the works of the Apologists), the works of Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria.

Manuals: History of the Church of Eusebius of Caesarea. Martyric Acts of Later Editions.


1st generation:

1. St. Hippolytus of Rome, the Martyrs of Carthage (Philicita, Perpetua, etc.) and Rome.

2. Rome (Asia Minor), Carthage.

3. Творения Святого Ипполита Римского; Мученические акты Филицитаты, Перпетуи и др. (творения Оригена, Тертуллиана и Климента Александрийского), «Октавий» Минуция Феликса, Мученические акты.

2 поколение:

1. Святой Киприан Карфагенский, Святой Дионисий Александрийский, Святой Григорий Чудотворец Неокесарийский.

2. Карфаген (Рим), Малая Азия, Египет.

3. Творения Святого Киприана Карфагенского, особенно его письма и книги «О падших» и «О единой Церкви» (Святой Дионисий Александрийский, Григорий Неокесарийский и его житие, написанное Святым Григорием Нисским).