Palestinian Patericon

90. See that you do not lift yourself up in your heart, but say to yourself, "I am an unqualified servant, and I have done only what I had to do."

91. If anyone asks you, "Who is a man?" say to him, "A man is one who loves God with all his heart and zealously fulfills His commandments."

92. There is nothing more unwise than to approach the Divine Mysteries, working with sin and passions.

93. In time of silence expect a storm, in time of health — sickness, in time of wealth —

poverty, in times of contentment, famine, and you will not fall under the weight of the calamities that befall you.

95. If you have confessed your sins, be zealous for virtue; if you have received permission, do not bind yourself again; if you have been cleansed, do not defile yourself again. We need strict repentance, many prayers, labor, and patience in order to be worthy of heavenly blessings.

96. As the cart also came into being, so is the soul and the body. When it is blind or asleep, the cart falls into the ditch and is ruined, but when it is awake and rules well, the cart is driven properly. So it is in man: when the soul is sober and awake, the body is kept pure, but when the soul is darkened by negligence, the body falls into the pit of impurity.

97. Whoever confesses every day and sins every day only builds up and destroys. Having sinned, do not despair. There is nothing worse than despair, for the despairing one runs from medicine to the head, not having integrity from foot to head. You have sinned, say to God: "I have sinned." What trouble is it to say, "I have sinned"? Speak, and thy sin shall be forgiven.

98. Do not be lazy to go to the church of God. He who goes to the church of God with zeal is a friend of Christ, and he who leaves it with contempt is an enemy of God and a friend of the devil. The Church is the shelter of God. When you are in it, the wolf does not attack you, and when you are outside, the wild beasts will devour you. The Church is the refuge of pious Christians. It is higher than the sky, harder than stone, wider than the earth, brighter than the stars and the sun; go into it without slothfulness and spiritually, so that through it you will draw near to God. She is your consolation, hope and salvation.

99. Когда впадешь в скорбь, болезнь или другое искушение,— не унывай, но долготер пи, благодаря Бога, и надеждою будущих благ пременяй сию скорбь в радость.

100. Не должно верить снам и толковать их, ибо между снами часто бывают демонские мечтания. Верующий снам и толкующий их подобен тому, кто гоняется за тенью.

101. Душа выше тела. Какая польза от богатства, когда душа бедна, и какая беда от бедности, когда душа богата? Бегай же страсти сребролюбия.

102. Истощим плоть воздержанием, умертвим движения страстей созерцанием красот райских и воображением будущего суда и наказания.

103. Мужайся и крепись и не попускай победить себя диаволу ни попечением, ни сласть-ми житейскими. Трезвись и тщательно блюди заповеди Божий.