The ascetics are laymen. T. 1

"Now you can't really work. Why do you go there?

- Why do I go... then... there I pray (I had to trust him and reveal the secret to my loved ones).

- And what, do you have to go so far to pray?

"Yes, because that's the only place I can be all alone."

His relatives stopped interfering with him and even hired a man to work there, and his grandfather only looked after him.

He spent endless hours in these fields and vineyards. Nearby, on one of the rocks, there was a small cave that could hardly accommodate one person. There he waited out the bad weather.

He slept only a couple of hours a day, and the rest of the time, even when he was in his room, he never went to bed. He was often seen sitting on the bed with his head down. It seemed that he was humbly bowing his head to someone whom he greatly respected, as if giving him an account of his actions. As it turned out, he constantly said the Jesus Prayer. But he never told anyone about it.

One day he was sitting and whispering something to himself. He was asked: "What are you saying about yourself?" to which he vaguely answered: "What am I saying... That's what I'm saying." From time to time he raised his head a little, sighed deeply and said loudly: "Lord, have mercy!"

Konstantin was laconic. It seemed that he did not follow what was happening around him and lived in his own world, but suddenly he gave some advice to his loved ones, which they always listened to, as they respected his opinion very much. Whatever he did, he always did with prayer. Often, relatives out of love and respect did not interfere with his conversations, but came just to look at him. Everyone who was next to him felt boundless joy and peace.

He was rarely strict, and only in spiritual matters. One day he met a sick fellow villager who brutally beat animals. Konstantin made a remark to him. Upon returning home, he said:

"That's why God gave him this injury. If he had been completely healthy, he could have done a great evil.

Sometimes he was adamant. He was only interested in what was pleasing to God, and he answered directly and clearly. For example, he could say: "Don't let her into the house anymore, she's a bad woman." His word was law for everyone.

For the first three days of Great Lent, he kept a strict fast. About some of the women he knew, who locked themselves at home and ate nothing these days, he said: "It would be better for them to watch what they say than to keep a strict three-day fast."

When a priest from Mount Athos came to the village, Constantine immediately hurried to confession and then sent all his relatives to the spiritual father. In the church, he stood on the stasidia, which was located next to the side entrance to the altar, and did not sit down for most of the service. He stood at attention when they sang "It is truly meet," and at the end of the prayer he made three prostrations. His daughter-in-law noticed this and asked: