Volume 11. Letters 1836-1841

Casimir Delavigne (1793–1843), French writer "Louis XI" is one of his plays (1832).

Gideonov — see note. to No 8*.

Fyodor Andreevich is an unidentified person.

Maria Taglioni (1804–1884), a well-known dancer, prima ballerina of the Paris Opera.

Peysar, Laura — one of the ballerinas on the St. Petersburg stage of the early 30s.

Jules — P. V. Annenkov. Cm. Rem. to No 27*.

George (1787–1867) was the stage name of Marguerite Wemmer; making fun of P. V. Annenkov, Gogol greatly exaggerates her years: in 1837 she was 50 years old.

Les Huguenots (first performed in Paris in 1836) and Robert, i.e., Robert the Devil (first performed in Paris in 1831), were performed by Meyerbeer (1791–1864).

… Write... about the "Inspector General"... Painfully experiencing the rumors caused by the play in society, Gogol was at first irritated at the mere mention of his comedy; From the spring of 1836 to the spring of 1837, The Government Inspector was performed in St. Petersburg 26 times (see V. Gippius. "Gogol in Letters and Memoirs". Moscow, 1931, p. 158, note. 2).

I'm scared to think of all my maranias. Wed. in a letter to Zhukovsky dated June 28/16, 1836: "What is all that I have written so far? It seems to me as if I am unfolding an old student's notebook" (see No 19*).

… Modern fame does not cost a penny. A few years earlier, Gogol had thought otherwise; in his letter to Pogodin dated February 20, 1833, we read: "I do not know why I am now so thirsty for modern glory."

Pushkin's poem "The Commander" was published in the 3rd, and the story "The Captain's Daughter" in the 4th book of the "Sovremennik" for 1836.

Ivan Grigorievich - Pashchenko; see note. to No 27*.

N. Kukolnik's "Art Newspaper" began to be published in St. Petersburg in August 1836.