Volume 13. Letters 1846-1847

March 4 (New Style).

Gogol's explanation with M. P. Pogodin about Gogol's review of him in "Correspondence with Friends". Letters NoNo 124 and 125.

March 6 (New Style).

Gogol confessed to V. A. Zhukovsky that the appearance of "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends" "broke out as if in the form of some kind of slap in the face: a slap in the face to the public, a slap in the face to my friends, and, finally, an even stronger slap in the face to myself... In my book, I have swung such a Khlestakov that I do not have the courage to look into it." Letter No 129.

March 6/18.

Moskovskiye Vedomosti (No 28) published N. F. Pavlov's "First Letter to N. V. Gogol" with sharp criticism of "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends".

March 29 (April 10)

In the same place (No 38) was published "The Second Letter to N. V. Gogol" by N. F. Pavlov.

April 6 (New Style).

Gogol advises his sister, E. V. Gogol, to take the orphan Emilia for upbringing. Letter No 148.

April 22-29 (New Style).

Gogol's Care for the Sick A. A. Ivanov. Letters NoNo 155, 159.

April 17/29.

In the "Moscow Vedomosti" (No 46) "The Fourth Letter to N. V. Gogol" by N. F. Pavlov was published.

April 24 (New Style).

Gogol's request to A. O. Rosset to send Dahl's novels and two parts of Butkov's "Petersburg Peaks", since he really needed "everything that only touched at least a little Russian person and his life". Letter No 156.

28 апреля (н. ст.).

Гоголь возобновляет давно прерванную переписку с Н. Я. Прокоповичем. Письмо № 158.

9 мая (н. ст.).

Ответ Гоголя на суровое письмо М. А. Константиновского, осудившего книгу Гоголя с аскетических церковных позиций за признание в ней высокого значения театра и художественной литературы и за полемику с мракобесом С. О. Бурачком. Письмо № 165.

11 мая (н. ст.).