A calf butted with an oak

A year has been lost, the inevitable has happened: the other day the chapters from "R. Corpus" were published in the literary supplement to "The Times". Now other publications are not excluded - perhaps from inaccurate and incomplete editions of the story. What has happened compels me to acquaint our literary community with the content of the attached letters and statements, so that the position and responsibility of the Secretariat of the Union of Writers of the USSR may become clear.

The enclosed summary of the meeting of the Secretariat on 22.9.67, recorded by me personally, is of course incomplete, but it is absolutely reliable and can serve as sufficient information until the publication of the full transcript




1. My letter to all (forty-two) secretaries of the SP dated 12.9.67.

2. Summary of the meeting in the Secretariat 22.9.67.

3. Letter to K. Voronkov 25.11.67.

4. My letter to the Secretariat 1.12.67.



- Novy Mir Magazine

- "Literaturnaya gazeta"

- Members of the Supervisory Board

In the editorial office of "Novy Mir" I was introduced to the telegram:

"NM0177 Frankfurt am Main Ch2 9 16.20 Tvardovsky New World

We inform you that the State Security Committee, through Victor Louis, sent another copy of "Cancer Ward" to the West in order to block its publication in "Novy Mir"

The editorial board of the magazine "Grani"

I should like to protest against the publication both in Grani and in the work carried out by W. Louis, but the murky character of the telegram requires first of all to clarify

1) Is it really submitted by the editors of the magazine "Grani" or by a figurehead (this can be established through the international telegraph, by a request from the Moscow telegraph to Frankfurt am Main)?

2) Who is Victor Louis, what kind of person, whose subject is he? Did he really take a copy of "Cancer Ward" out of the Soviet Union, to whom did he give it, where else does the publication threaten? And what does the KGB have to do with this?