Five Ways to a Child's Heart

Translated by N. Budina

ru N. Budina ExportToFB21, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 17.09.2013 OOoFBTools-2012-8-1-16-8-12-1353 1.0


How to find a common language with a child

Cool! Of course, you have heard these words from children more than once. What do they mean? Sometimes our children speak a language that is not easy for us to understand. However, they do not always understand us, adults, because when talking to them, we often cannot clearly express our thoughts. But what is worse, we cannot always clearly express our feelings and especially love to the child. Do you know how to speak his "love language"?

Each child tends to understand the love of parents in his own way. And if parents know this "language", the child understands them better. In this book, we will tell you how to recognize the way you can show your love to your child and how to "speak" this understandable "language" as well as the other four "languages" available. After all, they are also necessary for the baby to feel your love. You will see that every child needs love, otherwise he will never become a full-fledged adult. Love is the most reliable foundation for a calm

Childhood. If adults understand this, the child grows up to be a generous, warm-hearted person.

The Five Ways to a Child's Heart will introduce you to five parenting behaviors to help determine which path will lead you to your child's heart, and which behavior fits your child's "love language." Having learned the necessary, effective way of communicating with your child, you should study the other four ways, the four ways in which you can prove your love to the child, since everything will benefit him. In addition, it happens that the ways of communication, the ways of expressing your feelings, need to be changed – after all, your child also changes – he grows.

Therefore, at the beginning of each of the five chapters, we explain why this path is important for your child. Even if this chapter describes a model that is not characteristic of him, still read it carefully. Follow all five paths of love, and do not doubt, the child will understand you. However, we repeat, the most important thing is to determine the most understandable language of communication, his native "language of love" and master it.

In this book, we repeatedly emphasize how important love is in raising children. The main parental task is to raise a mature responsible person. Whatever qualities you develop in him, the main thing is to build education on love. Even the child's anger will serve for the good of him and those around him, if he is sure of your love. The child is more likely to listen to your advice and follow it when he sees that he is truly loved no matter what. Few parents realize that they have to teach their child to be in control of their feelings.

As we point out in Chapter 10, teaching a child and adolescent how to deal with anger is the most difficult task for parents. Success depends entirely on love. Parents who help their teen deal with anger also establish a more trusting and cordial relationship with them.

The book "Five Ways to the Heart of a Child" first of all teaches you to love a child. You will find advice on raising children in it. If you put love at the forefront, you will soon find that family relations become stronger, tension disappears. When we talk about parenting and discipline (Chapter Eight), you'll learn two key intonations that parents should never forget: benevolence and firmness. Love atones for sins. You should always remain benevolent but firm. In Chapter Eight, we will discuss how to hold this position no matter what.

The book ends with a guide for parents. There you will find tasks and exercises that will tell you how to talk to your child so that he understands you. We hope that this guide will help you put into practice what you will read in the book.

However, before you open this textbook that will teach you how to love children and start mastering the shortest way to your child's heart, we want to say a few parting words to you.