Five Ways to a Child's Heart

"Why, son?" Will exclaimed.

"You don't care about me. It's useless to wait for help from you. Do you remember when the barn caught fire? I started putting out the fire, and Buck sent you for help. You didn't come. You said that we could cope on our own, because the fire was small. And indeed, we extinguished it in no time. But why didn't you want to help?! Why didn't he come? I don't understand. Of course, I know you want me to be independent, so you do it. I want to believe it, but more often than not, I feel like you just don't love me.

Or do you remember, with mathematics?.. When I was sick and fell far behind. I had a lot of problems to solve, and I didn't know how, I couldn't do anything, so I asked you to explain. You replied: "Figure it out yourself, you are not stupid." I saw that you know the solution, you just don't want to help me. You can't imagine how offended I was with you. And when my car stalled... I thought you would help, but you said: "I managed to lead her into the mud, you can pull her out." Of course, I did it alone, but I wanted you to help me. That's why I say you don't love me. And if you do, then I don't feel this love.

At this point, Will could not stand it.

"Jake!" Please forgive me! I offended you so much. But I'm not angry. I didn't even know how much you needed my help. I wanted you to grow up independent, so that you would get used to relying only on yourself. I am proud of you, I love you, and I want you to know about it. Next time you need help, I'll definitely help you, just let me know...

And he hugged his son.

Seven months later, when the road was washed away by the rains, the van in which Jake and Buck were traveling got bogged down in the mud. For two hours, the boys tried to pull him out. Unsuccessfully. In the end, Jake sent his brother for his father. Upon learning of the trouble, Will immediately jumped into the saddle and rushed to Jake's aid. When everything was over, Buck could not understand why his father hugged Jake and thanked him: "Thank you for giving me a chance!"


Day in and day out for many years, we have been serving our children. We care about them because we love them. Many parents forget about this. Unsurprisingly. After all, every day we do the same thing: feed the baby, bathe him, clean up after him. Gradually, for some, this can turn into a routine, a boring necessity. Some even say that they have fallen into slavery, that their spouse and children exploit them. If you think so, if helping is an unpleasant duty for you, then the child will not see love in your deeds.

The one who helps his neighbor is not a slave, but a devoted loving servant. A slave does not work of his own free will and hates work. A loving servant, on the contrary, gladly gives himself to others, work brings him satisfaction. Help is a gift, not an obligation, no one forces us to try for the benefit of others, we choose it ourselves. If parents compare caring for a child to slave labor, they will satisfy his physical needs, but they will never satisfy his emotional needs.

Since daily chores often become routines for us, all parents should check in with themselves from time to time to make sure that their help is truly expressing love.


By caring for a child, helping him, we set an example of selfless sacrificial love, teaching him to serve others. This is our main task. Looking at us, he learns to help not only loved ones, but also those who will not be able to repay good for good. If children constantly see how their parents take care of their family, friends, complete strangers, they will follow their example and will serve their neighbor just as selflessly.

The Bible tells us that unselfishness and self-denial are pleasing to God. While dining at the Pharisee's house, Jesus said to his host: