Learning with passion

But, of course, reading strictly according to the plan is the same as living strictly according to the regime: not everyone succeeds and... It's a bit boring.

There should also be a certain freedom in reading. A plan is a plan, the main channel, and around it there are countless distractions: new books, books that accidentally interested, as well as novels, stories, poems from literary magazines.

Such freedom of reading is necessary. There are books that are simply entertaining, you read them carelessly, by the way, when you are tired; There are popular science books, they are called "siege weapons" for storming serious scientific books.

But even being distracted, but also occupying ourselves with not so serious and important reading, let us constantly keep in mind the main channel – classical literature, and follow this channel.

Whether you are a physicist, a chemist, a turner, a baker, a devil or the devil, it is impossible to live a serious life without reading and rereading two or three hundred books of classical literature. For those who are going to become the devil and fool the human race, these books are especially necessary: without them you will not know the psychology of man.

Books will teach the future man to be a man.

A future woman will be taught to be a woman.


"Today I read the article "Learning with Passion", which says that you need to read more, and I remembered an article in the magazine "Technology for Youth" about speed reading. Unfortunately, I don't remember the issue of the magazine, the only thing I remember is that it's an issue that talks about snakes and has a picture of a snake on the cover. We read an average of 100-150 words per minute, while Napoleon, Goethe, and Lenin could read about 2000 words per minute. Article 6 has tips on how to learn to read quickly, but not everything is clear. Probably, many children would like to learn to read quickly. Please write about it. Good bye!

Lyudmila Nenasheva, 7th grade. Tashkent".

Instead of answering, I will tell a story about a student. He studied at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow University. Perhaps in no other educational institution do you need to read as much as at the Faculty of Philology. Lists of thick books for exams are made up of pages and pages.

And the student I'm talking about read terribly slowly. From the outside, one could think that he was reading in the warehouses - he moved his lips, wrinkled his brow, and his whole face showed that the hardest work was going on. Once I had to take an exam in the history of the USSR. The university course is a kind of brick three fingers thick. Time, as always with students, was lost; Overcoming the textbook was out of the question. The student was in despair. His friends prompted him: "And you take a textbook for the tenth grade, it is thinner." They took out an old textbook somewhere, brought it — the student looked at it rather dejectedly. A bit thick, not to read in the remaining five days, even if you sit over a book from morning to evening. Then he found a textbook... for the fourth grade. He walked along the gallery of the auditorium building on Mokhovaya Street, where the monument to Lomonosov is, and, bumping into people he met, slowly, with great effort, read a textbook for fourth-graders. I read it on time. And what he read there, what work he did in his mind, what happened at the exam is unknown. It is only known that he received "excellent" and his answer was especially noted by the examiner as unusually deep, informative and original.

Learning to read quickly is relatively easy. Some exercises (preferably with special devices that set the pace and kind of whip the reader on), some practice, and then – read, read, learn to quickly grasp the general meaning of the paragraph and page.