Learning with passion

In the image created by a writer or poet, it is necessary to put not only meaning, but also feeling. The writer must sympathize, the character must be felt.

In a fiction book, in addition to the direct meaning of words, there is always some additional meaning or several meanings. A work of art is always multifaceted. For several centuries, critics, psychologists, directors, actors have been trying to understand and explain Hamlet, each offering their own version, supporting it with quotes from Shakespeare. And everyone is right in their own way! If you put all these Hamlets together, they will probably fight with each other, so different are they. But all these understandings and interpretations are contained in one and the same tragedy of Shakespeare.

A scientific book educates, processes, trains the mind; artistic — both mind and feelings. A person brought up only on scientific books develops mental deafness. Up to a certain low level, he can work in science, especially in a scientific team, and quite fruitfully. But he will never become a significant scientist, because science requires not only a culture of thought, but also an equally thorough culture of feeling.

No, reading quickly is the same as not reading. With quick reading, you can grasp the thread of the plot, imagine the characters in general terms; You can, on occasion, retell the book - it turns out that you have read it. But there can be no talk of the main thing for which fiction books are read – there can be no talk of sympathy for the characters, of the culture of feelings. A person will devour a hundred books and become even less cultured than he was before he started reading, because he will get used to reading without thinking or worrying.

As for the great people who really read very quickly, then, firstly, they had genius abilities. And secondly, by the nature of their work, they had to look through a huge number of books. Naturally, they have trained themselves to read very quickly. But it is unlikely that Goethe, when he reread Molière every spring, hardly read it at a speed of two thousand words per minute. Béranger, trying to feel the style of Racine's tragedies, to understand and adopt it, tried to slow down the reading and for this he rewrote the tragedies several times.

Do not succumb to reports that in our century the amount of information has increased dramatically and a person cannot cope with it. No matter how much information grows, the human brain can process it just as much as it can. In some twelfth or thirteenth century, the same mountains of books lay before the scholastic scholar as before the present one. In youth, because of a lack of experience, and in old age, because of an overabundance of experience, a person has read and will always read slowly.

Of course, slow and attentive reading, with stops, returns, reflections, has nothing in common with poor reading technique, when all mental strength is spent on folding letters and syllables. Some children read with difficulty until the seventh or eighth grade. You should not be ashamed of this, you just need to pay attention to your deficiency and, without hesitation, learn to read. Without completely free reading, there can be no development.


A reader is not born. By the reader – and forever! — become if an interesting book falls into your hands in time, such that you want to read more and more. Many big people remember that their first books were cheap market publications, completely trivial from the point of view of an adult. But somehow these books captivated, struck the imagination!

If you read with enthusiasm, and someone tells you: "Come on, why are you reading this nonsense" – don't listen, keep reading. The most grandiose things sometimes begin with trifles and nonsense.

Those who do not like to read at all, who are not addicted to reading, are simply unlucky: they did not meet the first book, they did not find the cherished key to the book kingdom... Will it remain locked up for life? This is a great misfortune. A person who lives in our reading world and does not like to read feels pinched, lagging behind, worse than others, even if he is the most wonderful person.

But, it turns out, it is the same with books as with any school subject: a little effort, a little effort and patience, and the golden key, the first exciting book, will be found. Here is the story that happened to Kolya Terleev from the city of Tobolsk:

"I did the experiment of "learning with passion" because I do not like to read. My experiment was a success. When I come home from school, I rest for about half an hour, an hour. Then I begin to write a lesson on the most difficult subject for me, the Russian language. After that, in mathematics, geography, botany, literature or French. After doing my homework, I read fiction, although I don't like to read. And so I decided to seriously engage in reading books. With difficulty, I read the first book to the end. Then I borrowed the book "Youth Army" by G. Miroshnichenko from the library. I read this book with such interest that now I am very drawn to books and I will be a regular reader in the children's library. It became more interesting for me to study literature. And I came to the following conclusion: before starting any business, you need to be carried away by this task and, of course, be persistent in doing it. In general, everyone can force themselves to make a boring subject interesting. I really want to know what readers will write about "learning with passion". Greetings