Learning with passion

A terrible injustice!

This novel is an attempt to remedy the situation. The author would be a fraud if he assured that anyone who reads a book at night will wake up an excellent student in the morning. Of course not! All the advice in this book still needs additional verification, because our main goal is not advice, but research, experiments on ourselves. At first, more than three thousand experimenters from ten to sixteen years old participated in the study. They conducted the first experiments, made the first observations, and the author expresses his deep gratitude to them for their work, for their faith and for their dedication. But who will continue this important research in one of the most mysterious areas of human life – to study well in science?

Maybe you, the reader?

Learning with passion!

Chapter 1.



Let's do such a fantastic experiment. Let's multiply the number of people on Earth by the number of thoughts that only come to a person's mind during his entire life. The work will turn out to be huge. Now let's figure out how people's thoughts are distributed according to the content, what people are thinking about.

If we are not too strict in our calculations, we can say that approximately out of every hundred thoughts

ninety — about the practical concerns of today, about yourself and the people around you;

nine about his whole life and the whole country;

One thought is about eternity and humanity.

People think about the day, about life, and about eternity. People think about themselves, about the country and about humanity. Thoughts that do not go beyond the boundaries of momentary concerns occupy almost all our time — it cannot be otherwise. It is impossible to think forever about the eternal: a person lives now, not in the future. But it is impossible, impossible not to think about the lofty – about people, about the country, about eternity and humanity.

Here is a circle on a plane. An innumerable number of points can be placed in it. But only one point out of this set is the central, the center. It is alone in an infinite number of other points, but it determines the place of the entire circle. In the same way, among our thoughts there are central thoughts; And what if we don't focus on them from morning to night, that they don't come to mind every day? They exist, these central thoughts, and it is they that determine the center of gravity of our soul, its stability, and make up the spiritual life of a person.