Learning with passion

At that time, in 1920, many people thought that it was enough to deprive the tsar, landlords, capitalists of power, and a very beautiful life would immediately begin. But it turns out that after the victory of the revolution, almost everything begins to depend on how the liberated country will study: to study not only in school, but everywhere and in everything. To learn to count and plan, to learn to manage, to learn to work together, to learn to think about the whole country, to learn to be free people, to learn a new morality – "to learn communism", as Lenin said.

«… The tasks of young people... could be expressed in one word: the task is to learn," Lenin said then, at the Third Congress of the Komsomol. Exactly what young people had always been deprived of, now became not only available but mandatory!

Since then, the words "to learn", "to educate", "to master culture" have become one of the most important, most common words in the country. They are familiar to us now, but then they stunned us with their novelty. Learning has always seemed noble, but by no means the most important thing. People did not even think that everyone should and can study.

Never before has there been a state in which all life, all its development, all happiness would depend to such an extent on the teaching and education of all people.

Never before has there been a state in which the teaching and education of everyone to such a large extent would be not a personal, but a socially important matter.

The word "study" in our country has a special meaning, because our whole country is a student in history. We learn to build a new life, we learn with all the signs of teaching: with difficulty, with mistakes, with a gradual approach to the truth.

To live in such a learning country, to conform to its essence, to be part of it, means to constantly learn.

When we go to class in the morning, we don't think about anything like that, and even less often we talk about it among ourselves. Central thoughts, that is, thoughts about the high, rarely take possession of us. But they are in our consciousness, they determine our behavior, although we do not notice it, just as we do not notice our own inhalations and exhalations.

We go to school because it is a simple concern every day and because it is our duty to the country and to our lives. We can't think about it every minute, but that's the way it really is. Each of our actions has a triple seal: day, life, eternity. In each of our actions, in one way or another, our own interests, the interests of the country, the interests of all mankind are reflected. This is how we fit into space and time. Whoever does not understand all this will forever whine like a child: "Why study? Why do I need mathematics? Why biology? I don't want to!"

А кто поймёт, для чего жить, для чего учиться (это, по сути, одно и то же), кто поймёт, что только в учении душа разрастается, и в ней появляются человеческие желания, тот будет учиться напряжённо и радостно. Свободно.

Образование дают, образование получают…

Но надо ещё уметь его взять!

Однажды учёные задали большой группе ребят простой вопрос: «Как вы сами считаете, соответствуют ли результаты учения вашим возможностям?»