The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives

- Measure your sexual fervor with the response of your spouse and do not sulk if something happens; Remember that a pregnant woman is less likely to forgive than a woman.

- smoking in the apartment is not at all necessary;

– if in a dream you have a habit of tossing and turning, spinning and at the same time jerking your legs, then it is advisable to sleep separately during the last weeks of pregnancy;

– Pregnancy, after all, lasts only 9 months. [15]

* * *

The obvious essence of this chapter is:

In most cases, pregnancy proceeds normally. And you need to behave normally during pregnancy. And remember that, although medicine is free in our country, it is not the doctor who is responsible for the health of a particular person, but the person himself. And not to fool yourself, looking for diseases. The vast majority of difficulties are generated by you, being nervous and worrying in vain.

Do not create additional problems for yourself. Register at the clinic in a timely manner, go to the doctors and take tests before your stomach does not allow you to enter the tram. Calm down, for God's sake! You are not the first, you are not the last, sorry for the banality. We will give birth, we will not go anywhere. Therefore, we went to the hospital.


"It doesn't matter if you hatched from a swan's egg!"

Hans Christian Andersen

It is necessary to prepare yourself for staying in the maternity hospital, first of all, psychologically. No matter how rich and healthy you are, a successful birth is still a lottery, however, with very significant chances of winning.

Childbirth is a rare phenomenon for a modern woman, but it is natural and most often proceeds normally. The chances of giving birth badly are not very high, from the point of view of statistics, although you, of course, have reasons to worry. At the same time, when you reach the emergency room of the maternity hospital, you are already very little able to influence the situation.