The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives

– The process of care and upbringing, i.e. the relationship between the child and his relatives.

6. The above-mentioned care and upbringing are some very specific actions, a certain set of measures. But, the main paradox is as follows: 100% of the adult population knows how to make children, but 99.9% do not know what to do with children later.

7. The main task of this book is to eliminate the paradox of the situation, to provide the reader with the opportunity to determine for himself what should be done with the child and what should never be done in an accessible form.


"The greater or lesser degree of respect paid to the author depends on the greater or lesser resemblance of his ideas to those of the reader."


The author is not a professor or even an associate professor: he is just a pediatrician – the most ordinary, who graduated from an ordinary medical institute. And this book was written for ordinary people who live an ordinary human life. Which theoretically creates conditions for future mutual understanding[1]. The author addresses this book to parents – those who have already become parents, and especially to those who are just about to become them. This is not a textbook, not a collection of recipes and instructions, not an encyclopedia and, God forbid, not a guide to diagnosis and treatment! Most likely, this is a medium-sized guidebook that should help you avoid many problems. The main thing is a little common sense, a little logical thinking - and we will agree on everything.

A huge number of works on a similar topic have been written all over the world. It is not surprising that, having spent money on the purchase of another "work", future or already established dad and mom want, first of all, to find out what the features of this work are, and whether they exist at all.

There are three such features:

The first feature is the ability to implement recommendations. After all, hundreds of books on child care and upbringing are written in such a way that the very process of communicating with a child is perceived in isolation from real life. Such "trifles" as a hungry dad who came home from work, shops and clinics, disappeared hot water, a broken iron, a wise mother-in-law, another pregnancy, the number of days until payday, etc. are not taken into account.

The second feature is that, having a higher medical education, the author himself does not always understand everything in smart works designed for a "wide readership". Therefore, he tried very, very hard to make the book as accessible as possible, but not primitive.

The third feature, perhaps the main one, is that I am not just saying "do it this way" – I am trying to convince you that this is exactly what you should do.

It should be noted that modern parents quite rarely take on the entire burden of responsibility for the child's health. Allegedly, the state approach to this issue is that the district doctor is generally responsible for the child's health. But the answers to most of the "children's questions" are given at family councils, where mom and dad – as the least experienced people – are assigned an insignificant role. On the one hand, this is quite understandable. On the other hand, it is mom and dad who always turn out to be "extreme" if the child is sick or misbehaves. At this point, relatives, acquaintances and, of course, grandparents will not fail to notice that it was necessary to obey the elders.