Letters (Issues 1-8)

- What is the meaning of hope in 1 Corinthians 13:13?

Unshakable confidence - to receive heavenly blessings. It is until the grave, and then it ceases, because what we hope will be received.

- My words: "Beware of sins. What sins are these?" - This last phrase refers to your words, where they said that they sinned much and much.

Again, may the Lord bless your path! Do not think that you can allow free rein to thoughts, feelings, words and movements. One must keep everything on a leash and govern oneself. Self-government is the dignity of man.

Bless you, Lord! Save yourself!

Your sincere well-wisher, E. Theophanes. Jun 10 90 g.

971. On the Struggle Against the Movements Characteristic of Youth

God's mercy be with you!

You have repented by force. However, it seems that I wrote to you so that you would not burden yourselves with writing to me without a strong spiritual need, and some kind of need. Still, I accept your apologies as very reasonable, and I forgive and absolve you from this sin without penance. You should add to this; I will not sin like this.

What have you written about the excitement characteristic of youth, of indefinite, confused and tormenting inner movements; however natural they may be, it is not excusable for you, who have changed your minds so much, who have known so much about the inner spiritual order, and who have experienced so much, if they manifest themselves in you with such force that you cannot get along with them. Without a condescending view of them, without arbitrarily admitting them and indulging them, they could not take such power over you. Sit down and consider everything, and take up the reins of government, and hold your sceptre menacingly, not allowing anything to squeeze into your province and disturb your rule. Treat them as impudent people who invade your house against your will. With this you show the door, and treat them as well. As soon as you notice it, drive it away, without self-pity. They will come again, drive them away again. They will come again, and drive them away. They will leave you behind, just don't feel sorry for yourself. Without resistance to self-pity, there can be no good self-government.

The harm from indulgence is especially that the enemy squeezes into the crowd of these thoughts and images, and in the confusion sows evil sympathies, desires, and even intentions. A few times the repetition of this forms an unkind self-pleasing system within, which then initiates a corresponding activity in the outside, which little by little will supplant the disposition to the former pure, brotherly and God-loving deeds. This is the source of insensibility, negligence, and oblivion - these giants of the enemy camp - the Goliaths.

How to drive it away? - In the general order for this: (look through the book: What is Spiritual Life) 1) to restore hostility to them, 2) to repel them with hatred and anger, as enemies, and 3) to strike them with prayer to the Lord, the Guardian Angel and the Lady Mother of God, and to St. Sophia, whose name you bear. - You have read all this many times, both written and printed. For the Lord's sake: remember well and act in this way.