«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

And even this extraordinary revival of the Church's inter-confessional life, which has never before been observed on such a large scale in the history of mankind, not only does not speak of any "progress" and does not inspire any hope for the "universal peace" about which so much is now being shouted, and for a better bright future, but, on the contrary, testifies to the complete decline of genuine religious life, to the fact that that modern people have become indifferent to everything, and they no longer have any real ideals. Everything here is reduced to insincere, sugary, hypocritical, pompous words, which have no real, essential content behind them.

There is no longer any real faith, but only its appearance, which does not bind a person to anything, does not impose any responsibility on him.

But if all these "ecumenical conferences>, "congresses", "conferences", "symposia" were simply an empty pastime, a kind of entertainment for those who gather at them, with a mutual tickling of vanity and self-love, it would be only half the trouble.

Behind all this, however, lies something much worse.

The goal of all this modern, now so fashionable movement, set by "someone" and systematically carried out, is to infuse into souls complete religious indifference – indifference to the truth – to kill love for the truth which our Lord and Saviour came to witness to earth, in His own words (John 18:37), for the truth which the holy Apostles so selflessly, fearlessly preached throughout the world. for which the holy martyrs died, for which the holy fathers of the Church fought so resolutely and uncompromisingly against heretics and false teachers.

And now, in the twentieth century of the Christian era, everyone's eyes were suddenly "opened" for the first time, and it turned out that, in fact, "there is no truth" and "there was nothing to fight, suffer and die for", but it was simply necessary for everyone to "forget all their previous differences" and... unite.

Indeed, an extraordinary "progress" to which our ancestors did not reach for so many centuries, among whom there were so many truly pious Christians that we no longer see!

And here comes this "unification," which pleases many naïve people who do not understand that this conceals, in essence, the overthrow of Christianity and the destruction of all faith, of all religion in general.

The ugliest and most blasphemous thing is that this "unification" is proceeding under various plausible evangelical slogans, interpreted in a crooked and sly, sectarian way: Biblical sayings are being used, which have a completely different meaning and significance.

Here's an example! The complete modernization of Christianity, which is being intensively carried out by this "movement," is now proceeding under the slogan of the saying of the Lord Almighty: "Behold, I create all things new," that is, "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5).

But it is quite clear from the context that we are talking here about the new creation of the world by God, after the end of this temporary, perishable world, which, as this Word of God clearly predicts, will be completely destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10-12), and in its place will appear a "new heaven" and a "new earth", and not at all about some criminal "renovationism", which is now so persistently propagated by the modern leaders of "ecumenism". among whom there are even Orthodox hierarchs of a very high rank.

But they don't care.

They only stubbornly carry out the task set to them by "someone" to destroy Christianity, and for this – all means are good, and especially the old, tested ones – lies and distortion of even sacred texts, fortunately, the masses are now so ignorant and do not understand anything about the correct understanding of the texts of the Holy Scriptures.

A real, planned, organized campaign against Christianity, leaving only its external appearance – this is what characterizes the modern vaunted "progress" of mankind most of all!