«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

And here comes this "unification," which pleases many naïve people who do not understand that this conceals, in essence, the overthrow of Christianity and the destruction of all faith, of all religion in general.

The ugliest and most blasphemous thing is that this "unification" is proceeding under various plausible evangelical slogans, interpreted in a crooked and sly, sectarian way: Biblical sayings are being used, which have a completely different meaning and significance.

Here's an example! The complete modernization of Christianity, which is being intensively carried out by this "movement," is now proceeding under the slogan of the saying of the Lord Almighty: "Behold, I create all things new," that is, "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5).

But it is quite clear from the context that we are talking here about the new creation of the world by God, after the end of this temporary, perishable world, which, as this Word of God clearly predicts, will be completely destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10-12), and in its place will appear a "new heaven" and a "new earth", and not at all about some criminal "renovationism", which is now so persistently propagated by the modern leaders of "ecumenism". among whom there are even Orthodox hierarchs of a very high rank.

But they don't care.

They only stubbornly carry out the task set to them by "someone" to destroy Christianity, and for this – all means are good, and especially the old, tested ones – lies and distortion of even sacred texts, fortunately, the masses are now so ignorant and do not understand anything about the correct understanding of the texts of the Holy Scriptures.

A real, planned, organized campaign against Christianity, leaving only its external appearance – this is what characterizes the modern vaunted "progress" of mankind most of all!

And what can we say about modern morality, the foundations of which seem to have been shaken to the very last limits? After all, everything that until recently was considered indecent and inadmissible, before our eyes, literally, suddenly became quite acceptable and even fashionable for everyone, not allowing any protests and objections. Let us spare the ears of our readers and keep silent here about what is unseemly to speak and write about, and which, nevertheless, is now being done openly and unhindered everywhere.

The most cynical shamelessness has become some kind of "valor" of our "progressive" twentieth century!

And to object to this means to be known as some kind of "obscurantist", "backward person".

And with each new year, this decline in morality, this appalling shamelessness, expands and wins for itself more and more "rights of citizenship," and there are fewer and fewer objectors and protesters.

Is it possible to see "progress" in this, leading mankind to general well-being and well-being?

Does not world history, on the contrary, testify to us that the decline of morality has always entailed not prosperity, but decay and destruction? Suffice it to recall ancient Rome in the pre-Christian era. And what is being done now is almost much worse than what was then. After all, they were pagans who did not know the true God, and now all this is done by "Christians." And to whom much is given, more will be asked.

All the concepts of good and evil in our time are somehow strangely confused. Many now, without any twinge of conscience, call "black" "white", and "white" - "black". Evil has learned to cover itself with the mask of goodness with extraordinary skill, as never before.