Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians by the Holy Apostle Paul

By this he refutes their unreasonable behavior, and mentions his own name, so that it would not be thought that he mentioned the names of others out of envy. Did not he say, "Did Paul create or bring you from non-existence into being?" but what is much more, showing the ineffable love of Christ, speaks of the cross. Nor did he say, "Is Paul dead?" but, "He was crucified," thus pointing out the supposed dishonor of death.

Or were you baptized in Paul's name?

And I, he says, have baptized many, but in the name of Christ. He speaks of baptism because the reason for the division was that they called themselves by the names of those who baptized. But the point is not who baptized, but in whose name he baptizes; for Christ forgives sins, and not he who baptizes.

I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius.

Why, they say, are you proud that you baptize, when I thank God that I did not baptize? He says this not in order to diminish the importance of baptism, but in order to restrain the Corinthians, who boasted of baptism. For baptism is an important matter, and baptism is unimportant.

Lest anyone say that I baptized in my name.

I say this not because this is really so, but because I am afraid that the disease will not reach such a degree. For if there was a division in the performance of baptism by insignificant men, then if I, who preached baptism, had baptized, some would certainly have agreed to attribute the baptism to me.

I also baptized Stephen's house.

That is, all who were in Stephen's house. He was a great, most famous man in Corinth.

А крестил ли еще кого, не знаю.

Для меня, говорит, так не лестно крестить, что я даже и не помню, крестил ли я кого другого. Как же вы гордитесь крещением?

Ибо Христос послал меня не крестить, а благовествовать.

Благовествование гораздо труднее и требовало особенно твердой души; ибо переубедить человека и склонить его от отеческих преданий, и притом среди опасностей, есть дело великой и мужественной души. А приготовленного к крещению принять и окрестить мог всякий, кто только имел священство. Но если он не был послан крестить, то как же крестил? Он не был послан для этого преимущественно; но ему не воспрещено было и крестить. Он послан был для дела важнейшего; однако ему не воспрещено было исполнять и менее важное.

Не в премудрости слова, чтобы не упразднить креста Христова.