«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

There are also one-day fasts, or fasting days, namely:

1) The Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (September 14).

2) The Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29).

3) Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 5).

4) Wednesday and Friday of each week.

Why is it proper to fast on Wednesday and Friday?

On Wednesday - in memory of the betrayal of Jesus Christ to suffering, and on Friday in memory of His very suffering and death.

Who sins against the fourth commandment of the Divine Commandment?

He who spends his weekdays in idleness, who spends Sundays and feast days in a non-Christian way, and who does not observe fasts.

The Fifth Commandment of God

Honor - honor. Yes - so that. Good is good. Ti - to you. Long-lived is the one who lives many years.

By this commandment, God commands to honor parents.

What does it mean to honor one's parents?

It means to obey them, to help them in their labors and needs, to care for them during their illness and old age, and to pray for the salvation of their souls.

How was disrespect for parents once punished?

Noah's son, Ham, laughed at his father, who slept naked in his vineyard; and his other sons, Shem and Japheth, covered his naked body with garments. Noah, waking up, learned about such a disrespectful act of Ham, cursed him and prophetically said that his descendants would be slaves of the descendants of his brothers.

Apart from parents, who else is commanded to honor the fifth commandment?

Those who in any case replace our parents, such as: the Sovereign of their Fatherland, spiritual pastors, superiors, all benefactors in general and elders.

Which of them should be especially revered?

The sovereign, because He is the father of the whole people and the anointed of God. Fear God, honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17), says the Apostle Peter. The Lord Himself said: render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar (Matt. 22:21), i.e. what belongs to Caesar, or to the king, give to him: whatever duties you have to the Emperor, fulfill them.