«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The Ninth Commandment of God

Do not obey - do not testify, do not bring to the ear, do not speak. On your friend - on another person. The testimony is a denunciation.

This commandment forbids false testimony and any lie in general. Those who sin against this commandment, for example, are those who bear false witness in court; who falsely complain about another (false witnesses said of Jesus that He wanted to destroy the temple of God and build it in three days (Matt. 26:60-62). who say insulting words about their neighbor to their eyes and behind their eyes; who mock and condemn.

What should we think about false testimony under oath?

This is a great sin against both the ninth and third commandments of God.

What is needed in order not to sin against the ninth commandment of God?

One must always speak the truth and restrain one's tongue from evil speech (1 Pet. 3:10).

The Tenth Commandment of God

Sincere - close to the heart, beloved. The village is a field. Ox - bull. Yelika - what.

This commandment forbids not only to do evil to one's neighbor, but also to wish him evil.

A sin against this commandment is called envy.

What duties are therefore prescribed to us by this commandment?

We should be content and grateful for what God has given us, and benevolent toward our neighbor.12

10. Troparia of the Twelve Great Feasts

(in the order of the church year beginning in September)

Troparion of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (Feast of September 8)

In Russian:

Thy birth, O Virgin Mother of God, has declared the joy of the whole universe (to the whole inhabited world); for from Thee shone forth the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God; having destroyed the curse, He gave us a blessing and, having cast down death, gave us eternal life.

An oath is a curse, God's punishment for sins. Having abolished - weakened, deposed.