«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The Lord, before the creation of the world, before all ages, knew that man would sin, and before all ages He predestined to save him through His non-native Son: this mystery of salvation, predestined from eternity, was clearly revealed to people in the Gospel of the Archangel.

Troparion of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Feast a week before Easter)

In Russian:

Affirming the general resurrection before Thy suffering, Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God. Wherefore we, too, as children (Jewish), bearing the signs of victory, cry out to Thee, the Conqueror of death: Salvation from heaven, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Passion is suffering. As youths are like youths. Hosanna in the highest is salvation from heaven.

In this troparion it is said that by the resurrection of Lazarus, our Saviour assured us of the general resurrection. And we are called to welcome Him as the Conqueror of death.

Who is Lazarus, resurrected by the Savior?

He was a pious man who lived not far from Jerusalem (in Bethany) with his two sisters, Martha and Mary. The Lord loved this pious family and often stayed with them. Shortly before the suffering of the Savior, Lazarus fell ill and died. Lazarus had already been lying in the tomb for four days, and the Lord raised him up.

What do the words "signs of victory" mean?

These are the branches with which the Jews usually met the victors.

Troparion of Pascha (Pascha occurs between the 22nd of March and April 25, and is celebrated on the nearest Sunday after the spring full moon)

In Russian:

Christ rose from the dead, smiting death with His death and giving life to those in the tombs.

Having straightened - striking. The belly is life.

This troparion is about the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and during His death on the cross raised many from the dead.

What should be said about the feast of the bright Resurrection of Christ?

That it is the greatest feast for us, that it is the triumph of triumphs and the feast of feasts; why Pascha is not numbered among the Twelve Great Feasts.14