«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Why is He called the Spirit of truth?

Because He instructs people in all truth, teaches good, and does not tolerate lies.

What is the meaning of the words: Who is everywhere?

These words mean that the Holy Spirit is everywhere; there is no place where He is not there.

What is the meaning of the words: and do all things?

They mean that the Holy Spirit, filling everything with Himself, gives us everything that we lack for life on earth and for eternal life in heaven.

What do the words "Treasure of the good" mean?

These words mean that God the Holy Spirit is the treasury or source of good.

What do the words "and life to the Giver" mean?

They mean that the Holy Spirit gives life to all creatures, and especially spiritual life to men; That is, it helps people to do good, to live holy.

What do we ask of the Holy Spirit with the words: And save, O Blessed One, our souls?

We ask that the Holy Spirit deliver us from eternal punishment for sins and vouchsafe us the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Trisagion

(Prayer to Jesus Christ, the Son of God)

In Russian:

Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, be merciful to us.

To whom is this prayer?

This prayer to the three persons of the Holy Spirit. Trinity. By the words: Holy God, God the Father is understood; under the words: The Holy Mighty is God the Son; under the words: Holy Immortal - God the Holy Spirit.

Why is the Son of God called strong or strong?

Because by His resurrection He destroyed hell and defeated the devil.

Why is the Holy Spirit called immortal?

Because He Himself, eternal as God, gives life to all creatures, and especially spiritual, virtuous life and immortality to people.

To whom do the last words of the prayer "Have mercy on us" refer?

To all three persons of the Most Holy Trinity, because all three persons of the Holy Trinity. The Trinities forgive our sins and thus have mercy on us.

What is this prayer called?

The Trisagion. It is also called an angelic song.

Why is this prayer called the Trisagion?