«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

That we should stand before Him when we pray, not only with fear, as slaves stand before their masters, but also with love and devotion, like children before their father, revealing to Him all their needs with all sincerity and simplicity of heart.

If someone prays alone, do the words "Our Father" change?

And in this case it is still necessary to say: Our Father, because God is the Father common to all of us, and we are brothers among ourselves; because we ask in prayer to ourselves, we must ask others to do the same.

What do the words show: Who art in heaven?

These words show that the one who prays does not turn with petitions to the earthly father, who is often unable to help his son, but to the Father who lives in heaven, Who can do everything to us and is ready to do everything; therefore, when we pray to the Heavenly Father, we must leave all earthly things and lift up our minds and hearts to God.

How is the first petition of the Lord's Prayer read?

Hallowed be Thy name.

Yes - let it. Sanctified - glorified.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask God for help, so that we may glorify God with our words, deeds, and all our holy lives.

How is the second petition of the Lord's Prayer read?

Thy Kingdom come.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask that God reign in us, that is, that He would govern our spiritual powers and inspire us how to live in order to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. With these words we also ask for the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, for the revelation of the perfect blessedness of believers.