«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Yes - let it. Sanctified - glorified.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask God for help, so that we may glorify God with our words, deeds, and all our holy lives.

How is the second petition of the Lord's Prayer read?

Thy Kingdom come.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask that God reign in us, that is, that He would govern our spiritual powers and inspire us how to live in order to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. With these words we also ask for the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, for the revelation of the perfect blessedness of believers.

What is the kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christian love and the grace-filled peace of the soul. Where there is love and harmony between Christians, and there is no enmity, there is the kingdom of God; but the kingdom of God will be fully revealed after the second coming of the Son of God to earth.

How is the third petition of the Lord's Prayer read?

Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth.

As - how.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask God to help us to fulfill His holy will as willingly and diligently as angels and holy men do it in heaven - always and in everything perfectly.

With these same words we show complete obedience to God, as the Father, Who knows better than we do which of us needs and is useful for earthly and eternal life.

How is the fourth petition of the Lord's Prayer read?

Give us this day our daily bread.

Daily - enough for a day. Give - give. Today - to this day.

What do we ask of God with these words?

We ask God to give us everything we need in life for body and soul.

What is necessary for the body and soul?